Agenda item - Minutes

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Agenda item


Minutes of the Shadow Health & Wellbeing Board meeting held on 20 March 2013 (copy attached).



2.1       Councillor Meadows referred to paragraph 32.2 relating to a letter on hospital safety. She asked to have a paper on this issue. Councillor Meadows referred to paragraph 37.4 and asked if there had been any progression with regard to provider forums.    


2.2       The Chair asked the Health & Wellbeing Board Business Manager to circulate an information note regarding paragraph 32.2.  Tom Scanlon reported that the issue of provider forums needed to be discussed with the CCG.  He was happy to discuss the matter with Geraldine Hoban.  


2.3       Robert Brown referred to paragraph 36.5.  He had suggested that Housing Area Panels should be consulted on the JSNA.  The Chair replied that there had been a change in the Chair of the Housing Committee.  This issue needed to be followed up. 


2.4       Councillor Shanks referred to paragraph 35.12 with regard to breast screening.  She made the point that since the National Screening Committee policy review, there had been further research which suggested that breast screening was beneficial on an individual basis but not on a population basis.  Tom Scanlon said he would follow up with the colleagues who had led the work for the cancer and cancer screening section of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. 


2.5       Hayyan Asif referred to paragraphs 36.7 and 36.8 regarding engagement with the JSNA and asked when this would happen.  The Chair replied that there was an item on the JSNA later on the agenda and any major changes would take place next year.    


2.6       RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on the 20 March 2013 be approved as a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chair.


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