Agenda item - Mayor's Communications.

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Agenda item

Mayor's Communications.


115.1          The Mayor invited Councillor Kitcat as the Leader of the Council to come forward and receive the certificate from BioRegional that recognised Brighton & Hove City Council as the first One Planet City in the country;


115.2          The Mayor then invited Jack Hazelgrove from the Older People’s Council to come forward and receive a certificate from the World Health Organisation, that confirmed Brighton & Hove as a new member of the WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities, which strive to better meet the needs of older residents;


115.3          The Mayor noted that he had recently been invited to address a conference in Finland about the one planet principles and that he hoped information and learning could be shared with other organisations.


115.4          The Mayor also noted that the Brighton Festival had started and encouraged everyone to attend various events.


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