Agenda item - Paston Place Taxi Rank
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Agenda item
Paston Place Taxi Rank
- Meeting of Licensing Committee (Non Licensing Act 2003 Functions), Thursday, 27th June, 2013 3.00pm (Item 6.)
- View the background to item 6.
Report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy attached)
6.1 The Committee considered a report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection reporting on taxi driver behaviour at Paston Place following monitoring in response to the Committees’ resolution in response to the Deputation which had been presented to the Committee at its meeting in March.
6.2 The Head of Regulatory explained that following the Deputation to the last meeting of the Committee a warning notice had been sent to all Hackney Carriage Drivers and proprietors and specific warnings to some drivers where it had been established that they had been over ranking or not returning to the nearest rank. 38 complaints had been logged from a complainant alleging contravention of the byelaws and poor behaviour by drivers. In response to the complaints received and in order to investigate the matter further following an initial visit on 30 January 2013 a further 19 visits had been made between 6 March and 9 May. These visits had taken place at varying times and on various days of the week between 09.00 and 23.00. This had included a visit by the Head Regulatory services and directors of Streamline on 15 April 2013. The Head of Regulatory Services was interrupted several times from the public gallery whilst making his presentation and the Chair had to request that this cease in order to enable him to continue.
6.3 Since the deputation to committee, a warning notice had been sent to all Hackney Carriage Drivers and proprietors, and specific warnings to some drivers where it has been established that they were over ranking or not returning to the nearest rank. Officers had logged 38 complaints from a complainant alleging contravention of the byelaws and poor behaviour of drivers. Since the initial complaint this year, officers received one other complaint from a resident of Paston Place in relation to this matter. As part of the investigation, officers made an initial visit on 30 January 2013, and 19 further visits between 06 March and 09 May. These visits occurred on various days of the week and at varying times between 09:00 and 23:00, including a visit made by the Head of Regulatory Services and the directors of Streamline on 15 April 2013.
6.4 Following further investigation it had been considered that there was no justification for removal of the main taxi rank which had been in existence for more than 10 years on air quality or other grounds, however, the feasibility of removing and relocating the 7th and 8th feeder spaces outside nos 9 and 10 Paston Place. It should be noted however that this matter fell outside the responsibilities of the Licensing Committees’, this matter fell within the responsibility of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee. It was also understood that the Council’s air quality action plan which included this area was in the process of being developed and would also form the subject of a report to the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee. The air quality action plan might inform taxi licensing policy in due course.
6.5 Councillor Simson stated that she had occasion to visit the hospital on several occasions recently and whilst she had not witnessed any of the offences referred to she did not doubt that they did occur, considering therefore that it was important to continue to monitor the situation and to take enforcement action as appropriate. Councillor Simson was interrupted several times whilst attempting to speak and the Chair intervened telling those in the public gallery to conduct themselves in a proper and respectful manner. She reminded them that they could have taken the opportunity to engage in the process by asking questions or by the other means of public involvement in the meeting that were available to them, but had chosen not to do so.
6.6 Councillor Jones stated that he worked in the area and knew the location of the rank well. He had sympathy with the concerns of residents and was aware that problems arose from time to time. He considered that thought should be given to removal of the two feeder spaces which were located immediately in front of residential properties as this could alleviate some of the problems experienced.
6.7 Councillor Councillor Simson concurred with Councillor Jones stating as these two spaces in particular had been cited as giving rise to problems that their removal would address residents concerns, at least in part. It was noted that this matter did not however, fall within the responsibilities Licensing Committee.
6.8 Councillor Deane stated notwithstanding that those sitting the public gallery were doing themselves a disservice by behaving as they were Members had read the report carefully and had noted their concerns, these had not been ignored but proportionate action needed to be taken. Both of the relevant Committees had looked at and were assessing potential action that could be taken, issues relating to air quality and potential reconfiguration (removal of two feeder spaces) were being examined by the appropriate Committee.
6.9 Councillor C Theobald stated that she considered that enforcement action should be taken in any instances where that was appropriate.
6.10 At this point, having requested on several occasions that those in the public gallery, cease their interruptions and aggressive outbursts in relation to this item, several members had been shouted down whilst speaking as had the Head of Regulatory Services, there had also been exchanges with the Chair, there had been a brief delay to the Committees business whilst the gallery was cleared, the Committee then continued their consideration of the item.
6.11 Councillor Simson commended the work that had been carried out by officers to date suggesting that it would however be appropriate for monitoring to continue and for officers to take enforcement action as/if appropriate and to update the Committee as necessary
6.12 RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the content of the report. Officers are requested to continue to monitor the situation in respect of the Paston Place taxi rank, taking enforcement action and reporting further to Committee as appropriate.
Supporting documents:
Paston Place Taxi Rank, item 6.
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Enc. 1 for Paston Place Taxi Rank, item 6.
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