Agenda item - Hackney Carriage Accessibility Policy (June 2013)
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Agenda item
Hackney Carriage Accessibility Policy (June 2013)
- Meeting of Licensing Committee (Non Licensing Act 2003 Functions), Thursday, 27th June, 2013 3.00pm (Item 8.)
- View the background to item 8.
Report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy attached)
8.1 Before proceeding to consideration of this item a presentation was given by Colin Glinsman and John Streeter of Brighton and Hove Streamline accompanied by Rob Macchi of Croydon Accessible Transport. They explained that since they had become aware of the requirements in relation to the provision of wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAV’s), they had sought to roll out appropriate training for all of their drivers in recognition of how important it was to provide a sensitive and comprehensive service to customers with varying needs and disabilities. As a condition of employment all of their drivers were required to undergo training which comprised a number of modules both classroom based and practical. Mr Macchi explained that had been approached by the Company and had given advice and assistance in setting up the accredited course based on his wide ranging experience with the Croydon Accessible Transport Scheme.
8.2 Members had the opportunity to ask questions prior to consideration of the report providing an update on the Accessibility Policy for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers. Councillor Hyde sought confirmation of the numbers of drivers involved and explained that this was mandatory for all Streamline drivers who were going to be driving WAV’s. The Head of Regulatory Services, Mr Nichols drew Members attention to a correction which needed to be made to the circulated report, the policy only applied to hackney carriages, not to private hire vehicles.
8.3 Councillor Lepper referred to arrangements being made to ensure that independent and other “harder to reach” drivers received training, The Head of Regulatory Services explained that Streamline had indicated a willingness to share their training although other drivers/companies were not compelled to take that up and indications were that other companies had put their drivers through relevant BTEC modules. In the medium to longer term it was hoped that all drivers could be encouraged to attend an appropriate B Tech course.
8.4 Councillor Marsh stated that in her view it would be appropriate for different types of vehicle to be available to those with different disabilities as WAV’s were not suitable for all. It was recognised however that would need to be a far longer term objective.
8.5 The Committee then went on to consider a report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection reporting and updating on the Accessibility Policy for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers, Vehicles and operators and the associated equalities impact review.
8.6 In answer to further questions in relation to driver training, the Head of Regulatory Services, Mr Nichols explained that means of delivering on-going training were being looked at, drivers seemed to be receptive to that.
8.7 Councillor Mrs Theobald stated that the information provided was positive, she understood however that it sometimes difficult closing the doors of bigger vehicles and that drivers could be embarrassed about doing the “wrong” thing. Mr Glinsman explained that it was important for drivers to feel confident in asking their customers whether and what assistance they needed. It was important to note that the training they delivered had a properly certificated exam attached to it which could be passed or failed, it was not just a certificate of attendance.
8.8 Councillor Pidgeon stated that his wife was blind and had been for a number of years. WAV’s were not ideal for her, she had significant difficulties in getting into and out of such vehicles. Mr Streeter responded that all drivers were now receiving or had received training, it was important that if customers had specific requirements these were notified at the time they made their booking.
8.9 The Head of Regulatory Services explained in answer to questions that new Hackney Carriage proprietors had the discretion to choose either side or rear loading wheelchair accessible vehicles and that the Committee had already made the decision to approve side loading WAVs as licensable vehicles at a special meeting of the Committee held on 10 September 2010.
8.10 Councillor Gilbey stated that it was important to note that WAV’s were not suitable for use by all disabled people and that a range of training and provision needed to be available to cater to all customer needs.
8.11 RESOLVED - (1) That the Committee endorses the proposed Accessibility Policy for Hackney Carriages and Vehicles set out in appendix D to the report.
Supporting documents:
Comm Report Accessibility policy 270613, item 8.
PDF 83 KB View as HTML (8./1) 85 KB
Appx A Timeline for accessibility policy consultation Mar13, item 8.
PDF 46 KB View as HTML (8./2) 34 KB
Appx Bii), item 8.
PDF 125 KB View as HTML (8./3) 208 KB
Appx B(ii) Accessibility Policy for Hackney Carriages - Portal Comments (DG final) 110613, item 8.
PDF 97 KB View as HTML (8./4) 130 KB
Appx C Consultation Event for the Hackney Carriage Accessibility policy_08 05 13, item 8.
PDF 39 KB View as HTML (8./5) 38 KB
Appx D Amended AccessibilityPolicy 140313, item 8.
PDF 82 KB View as HTML (8./6) 56 KB
Appx E Equality Impact Assessment Jun 2013- Accessibility review, item 8.
PDF 82 KB View as HTML (8./7) 90 KB
Appx F Hackney Carriage Office taxi complaints procedure, item 8.
PDF 58 KB View as HTML (8./8) 31 KB
Appx G Licensing _Enforcement _Policy, item 8.
PDF 119 KB
Appx H Streamline response to Accessibility Policy Review, item 8.