Agenda item - Amendments to the Code of Conduct for Members

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Agenda item

Amendments to the Code of Conduct for Members

Report of the Head of Law & Monitoring Officer (copy attached).


125.1          Councillor Hamilton stated that as the Chair of the Audit & Standards Committee it fell to him to introduce the report. He noted that a cross-party working group had considered the changes resulting from the implementation of the Localism Act 2011 and proposed that the recommendations be amended to reflect the fact that the changes should come into effect at the conclusion of the Annual Council meeting on the 23rd May 2013; both in regard to the Item and Item 124.


125.2          Councillor G. Theobald stated that he fully supported the report and seconded the proposed amendment.  He hoped that the revisions would make it clearer for Members in declaring an interest and noted that the need to do so could be questioned in regard to the Item 126(a) on the current agenda, bearing in mind that some Members were supported by the trade unions.


125.3          Councillor Mitchell welcomed the report and noted that associations with trade unions had already been declared on Members’ registers of interest.


125.4          Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report and thanked officers for their work on the proposed changes which should make it clearer to Members on their responsibility to declare an interest or not; and recommended that all Members should ensure they have read the report fully.


125.5          Councillor Hamilton noted the comments and moved that the report be agreed as amended.


125.6          The Mayor noted that an amendment had been moved which affected both Items 124 and 125 and put the recommendations as amended to the vote which was carried.


125.7          RESOLVED: That the amendments to the Code of Conduct for Members as set out in appendix 1 to the report be agreed and brought into effect from the close of business of the Annual Meeting on the 23rd May 2013.




125.8          The Mayor then adjourned the meeting for a refreshment break at 5.55pm.


125.9          The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 6.40pm.

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