Agenda item - Response to Trans Scrutiny Panel Recommendations

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Agenda item

Response to Trans Scrutiny Panel Recommendations

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 2nd May 2013 (to be circulated), together with a report of the Assistant Chief Executive (copy attached).


122.1          Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that he was honoured to be able to introduce the report and highlight what was an excellent piece of work.  He had been struck by the comments received at the Panel meetings and wished to thank the Panel Members, the Scrutiny Officers and all those that gave their submissions to the Panel, which enabled such a comprehensive report to be produced.  He welcomed the fact that the recommendations had been accepted and that the council was working to implement many of them and would be working with partner organisations to facilitate the implementation of those recommendations that directly affected them.  The Trans Community was in need of support and understanding and he hoped that material changes would be seen and noted that only recently a member of the community had taken their own life because of the pressures they had experienced.  The implementation of the recommendations would make the city a fairer place to live, work and study and he hoped that they would be fully supported by the whole council.


122.2          The Leader of the Council noted that the Policy & Resources Committee had unanimously endorsed the recommendations and he hoped that partner organisations would take them on board and work with the council to implement those that directly related to them.


122.3          Councillor Cobb stated that she had been pleased to be a member of the Panel and had found it to be very informative and fully supported the report and welcomed the actions identified to meet the recommendations.


122.4          Councillor Morgan stated that he wished to thank everyone involved in the scrutiny review and in producing the report.  The Panel heard a number of painful accounts of everyday prejudice and he hoped that the report would enable changes to be implemented and real improvements made across the city.  It was a landmark piece of work and one that other authorities and organisations should take account of.


122.5          Councillor Hawtree stated that he believed it was a marvellous piece of work and wanted to say well done to everyone involved in the process and in producing the report.


122.6          Councillor Bowden welcomed the report and hoped that others such as the LGBT Community would gain from it and find that improvements were made which would encourage them to work with the council and others to improve understanding of needs etc…


122.7          Councillor Wakefield also welcomed the report and stated that she had spoken with a number of housing tenants who had experienced forms of prejudice and were in need of support and hopefully would find some assurance from the recommendations.


122.8          Councillor Mac Cafferty thanked everyone for their comments and commended the report to the Council.


122.9          The Mayor stated that the report had been moved and asked if the council agreed to note the report.


122.10      RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

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