Agenda item - OPC Work Programme and Update

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Agenda item

OPC Work Programme and Update


29.1 The work programme was noted and suggestions made. CV asked for an item on short-term services for people discharged from hospital, possibly for 17 September OPC meeting. (Action; scrutiny).


29.2 MB suggested a possible agenda item on falls prevention. (Action; Scrutiny)


29.3 MB said it was important for the Age-Friendly City initiative to be expedited and this needed to be a regular agenda item. Older people’s views were central to the initiative and as many replies as possible were needed. He had set up an online forum which needed greater publicity. How to set a project plan should be investigated. (Action: scrutiny team).


29.4 HS suggested the Police and Crime Commissioner be asked about police powers re public demonstrations.


29.5 Members noted the importance of close working and avoiding duplication with Adult Care and Health Committee and Health and Well-Being Board.  Councillor Jarrett would be asked to report back on a recent conference on Age-Friendly Cities. (Action; Scrutiny)

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