Agenda item - Appointment of the Deputy Mayor of Brighton & Hove for the Municipal Year 2013/14

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Agenda item

Appointment of the Deputy Mayor of Brighton & Hove for the Municipal Year 2013/14

The Mayor will propose the appointment of the Deputy Mayor.


5.1             The Mayor moved that the Council appoint Councillor Bill Randall as Deputy Mayor for the forthcoming municipal year. 


5.2             The Motion was seconded by Councillor J. Kitcat.


5.3             The Mayor noted that there were no other nominations, and therefore sought the Council’s agreement to Councillor Bill Randall being duly elected as Deputy Mayor of Brighton & Hove for the forthcoming municipal year 2013/14.


5.4             The motion was agreed.


5.5             Councillor Bill Randall made and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Deputy Mayor and was presented with his badge of office by the Mayor.


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