Agenda item - Mayor's Communications

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Agenda item

Mayor's Communications

(a)               Appointment of the Mayor’s Chaplains.

(b)               Announcement of the Mayor’s Charities.

(c)               Church Service

(d)               Any other communications.


6.1             The Mayor he had noted that her five Mayor’s charities for the year were; ‘Brighton & Hove Age UK’, ‘The Argus Appeal’, ‘Off The Fence’, ‘The Martlets’ and ‘Rockinghorse’ and she hoped that they would all benefit from councillors support as well as hers. 


6.2             Secondly, she intended that her year as Mayor would be a multi-faith one, and had invited faith representatives from her ward to act as her Chaplains, and was looking forward to having different forms of prayer prior to each council meeting.


6.3             She also wished to remind Members that a Civic Service would be held at the Unitarian Church on New Road on Sunday 26th May at 11am and that everyone was welcome to attend.


6.4             Finally she stated that her first charity event was tea at 3pm in the Mayors Parlour tomorrow and she hoped that colleagues would join her, as she would be collecting raffle and tombola prizes to support her chosen charities.


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