Agenda item - Appointments

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Agenda item


(a)               To approve the appointment of the Deputy Leaders of the Council - Councillors Davey and Deane.


(b)               To appoint the Leader of the Official Opposition - Councillor Geoffrey Theobald.


(c)               To note the appointments to the following positions as agreed by the respective Groups represented on the Council (as detailed in the addendum papers to be circulated on the day of the meeting):


Convenor of the Green Group

- Councillor Jason Kitcat;

Leader of the Conservative Group

- Councillor Geoffrey Theobald;

Leader of the Labour & Co-operative Group

- Councillor Warren Morgan.


8.1             The Mayor moved the appointments of Councillors Davey and Deane as Deputy Leaders of the Council for the forthcoming municipal year 2013/14 be agreed.


8.2             The motion was carried.


8.3             The Mayor moved that Councillor Geoffrey Theobald be appointed as the Leader of the Official Opposition, in recognition that he was the Leader of the Conservative Group which had the largest number of Members of the two minority groups represented on the council.


8.4             The motion was agreed.


8.5             The Mayor moved that for the municipal year 2013/2014 the following appointments to the positions as agreed by the various Groups represented on the Council be noted:


(i)      Convenor of the Green Group                           Councillor Jason Kitcat


(ii)     Leader of the Conservative Group                    Councillor Geoffrey Theobald


(iii)    Leader of the Labour & Co-operative Group    Councillor Warren Morgan


8.6             The motion was carried.


8.7             The Mayor moved that for the municipal year 2013/2014 the following councillors put forward by the Leader of the Council be designated as Lead Members for the respective areas of responsibility as listed below:


                     (i)      Lead Member for Communities & Equalities  Councillor Bill Randall

                     (ii)     Lead Member for Community Safety                Councillor Liz Wakefield

                     (iii)    Lead Member for Transport                                 Councillor Ian Davey.


8.8             The motion was carried.



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