Agenda item - BH2013/00393 - Land to rear of 60-66 Wickhurst Road, Portslade - Full Planning Permission

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Agenda item

BH2013/00393 - Land to rear of 60-66 Wickhurst Road, Portslade - Full Planning Permission

Erection of 1no. 2 storey three bedroom detached dwellinghouse.



Erection of 1no. 2 storey three bedroom detached dwellinghouse.


(1)                   The Area Planning Manager, Zachary Ellwood, introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to photographs, plans and elevational drawings. The application site related to an unkempt area of land currently containing a garage and shed. The site was surrounded on three sides by other properties, and the sloping nature of the site would require excavation before building works commenced. The proposed building was a detached two storey dwelling of a modern design; the windows had been angled to protect the amenity by looking down the access road. The building would be well set back and screened, and would not be hugely prominent from the street scene, and in terms of the impact of the character of the area it was not considered that the proposed dwelling would be unduly prominent. The sectional drawings showed that the land rose fairly steeply, and this would further help prevent overshadowing. It was also felt that there would be minimal overshadowing due to the distances. It was considered that the proposed dwelling would make efficient use of the site, and add to the housing stock within the city. The proposal was well designed; would give a good standard of accommodation, and it was also noted cars would be able to turn within the site to allow entrance and exit in forward gear. The application was recommended for approval for the reasons set out in the report.


Questions for Officers


(2)                   Councillor Carden queried the wildlife audits that had taken place at the site, and in response the relevant sections of the report were highlighted; the Deputy Development Control Manager, Paul Vidler, also noted that the ecologist had visited and viewed the site.


(3)                   Councillor Gilbey asked for more details in relation to the shared access of the front hard-standing. In response Officers explained that they did not have the specific details of this, but noted that the applicant was the owner of the neighbouring property and they were satisfied the access for both properties would be protected.


(4)                   Councillor Hyde asked for more information in relation to overlooking and it was explained that the angled windows would look down the driveway, and the design had carefully tried to protect the amenity of neighbours.


(5)                   In was confirmed for Councillor Carol Theobald that the existing garage on the site was disused.


Debate and Decision Making Process


(6)                   Councillor Carol Theobald explained that she considered the application to be back land development, and the dwelling would be visible from those around it; she felt it was too tall and stated that she would be voting against the Officer recommendation.


(7)                   Councillor Wealls stated that the application was in scale with the neighbouring properties; there would be minimal over-looking, and he would be voting in support of the Officer recommendation.


(8)                   Councillor Randall echoed these comments and noted that there would be minimal overlooking; the size of the footprint of the dwelling was also confirmed in response to a further query.


(9)                   Councillor Jones stated he did not usually like back land development, but considered this application was good and well thought through.


(10)               Councillor Gilbey stated that she would be supporting the Officer recommendation, and added that the application was better than what had previously been applied for.


(11)               A vote was taken and planning permission was granted on a vote of 9 to 1 with 1 abstention.


6.1         RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 of the report and the policies and guidance in section 7 of the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11 of the report.


              Note: Councillor Littman was not present at the Committee.

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