Agenda item - BH2013/00511 - 1st to 3rd Floors, 7 Waterloo Street, Hove Listed Building Consent

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Agenda item

BH2013/00511 - 1st to 3rd Floors, 7 Waterloo Street, Hove Listed Building Consent

Removal of valley roof over rear projection, building up of surrounding walls and replacement of UPVc window with timber door, all to facilitate the creation of a roof terrace. Replacement of UPVc window with timber sliding sash. Repair of rear chimney stack and installation of new chimney pots.



Removal of valley roof over rear projection, building up of surrounding walls and replacement of UPVC window with timber door, all to facilitate the creation of a roof terrace.Replacement of UPVC window with timber sliding sash. Repair of rear chimney stack and installation of new chimney pots.


(1)                   It was noted that this application had been the subject of a site visit prior to the meeting.


(2)                   A vote was taken and the Officer recommendation that the Committee ‘would have refused’ the application was not carried on a vote of 5 to 5 on the Chair’s casting vote. A recorded vote was then taken with the proposed reasons for approval and Councillors: Mac Cafferty, Hyde, Cox, Wealls and Randall voted that listed building consent should be approved; Councillors: Jones, Carden, Davey, Gilbey and Hamilton voted that consent should be refused. The Chair exercised his casting vote in favour of approving the application.


6.4                  RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken the Officer recommendation that it would have refused the application into consideration, but resolves that it WOULD HAVE GRANTED listed building consent had it been in a position to determine the application for the reason set out below:


        i.                 The proposed works comprise sensitive alterations.


Note: Councillor Littman was not present at the Committee, and Councillor Carol Theobald was not present during the debate and vote on this application.

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