Agenda item - Minimising the risk of evictions caused by the Housing Benefit Social Rented Sector Size Criteria

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Agenda item

Minimising the risk of evictions caused by the Housing Benefit Social Rented Sector Size Criteria

Extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 8 May 2013, together with a report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copies attached).


25.1         Councillor Randall introduced the report and noted that it had been referred for information to the Council from the Housing Committee.  He stated that the number of people affected by the changes were considerable and that the council was doing all it could to assist them, although the number of arrears had increased because of the number of properties classified as being under-occupied.  He also noted that 22 transfers had been completed and that new schemes were coming forward which it was hoped would enable residents to move into smaller properties within their local community and thereby encourage a greater number of transfers.


25.2         Councillor Farrow queried whether the Secretary of State had approved the use of funding from the HRA budget as put forward at the Budget Council meeting, as he had hoped for confirmation.  He believed that as much support as possible should be offered to tenants and that all Members should be kept informed of how they were being affected by the changes and therefore welcomed the inclusion of the report on the agenda.


25.3         Councillor Wilson stated that she believed the changes were unfair and had led to people being pressurised into seeking smaller properties which were not available and noted that nationally 86,000 tenants were chasing 33,000 available one-bedroom properties.  She therefore sought reassurance that evictions would be avoided.


25.4         Councillor Cox stated that there was a need to note that the introduction of the welfare changes meant a reduction in the level of subsidy that was being provided and not a new form of taxation.


25.5         Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that the council had a duty to help tenants where possible and therefore should endeavour to do so within the remits of the changes to the welfare benefits.


25.6         Councillor Mears noted that in 2008 the then Labour Government had introduced similar changes for the private rented sector and that these were not opposed.  She believed that the tenants in the city should be supported by the council and suggested that rather than the issue becoming a ‘political football ‘consideration should be given to how those affected could be supported.


25.7         Councillor Littman stated that he had written to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, in view of feedback following the nature of letters that had been issued to residents who owed the council money asking if a review could be undertaken to look at how these could be improved and this had been supported by Councillor Mitchell as Chair of the Committee.


25.8         Councillor Randall noted the comments and stated that the Housing Committee had agreed to every means possible being explored to support tenants in difficulties other than eviction as a means to recovering rent due.  He also noted that a number of tenants in rent arrears were not claiming housing benefit and therefore it could be assumed they were working and yet in difficulty.  He assured the council that as Chair of the Housing Committee he would continue to work with officers and tenants to support them.


25.9         The Mayor noted that the report had been referred for information and moved that it be noted.


25.10    RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


25.11    The Mayor then adjourned the meeting for a refreshment break at 6.35pm.


25.12    The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 7.20pm.

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