Agenda item - Round up from members

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Agenda item

Round up from members


31.1 CV had been to two Healthwatch transition group meetings and was involved in the People’s Day Steering Group. There was concern that a stall did not appear to have been booked; this would be investigated (Action: Scrutiny).


31.2 FT was continuing to visit and report back on hospital services. He asked about possible action re: large public demonstrations and would be pressing for an Older People’s Day.


31.3 PM had attended the OPS stall at the Adult Care summit. She recommended the ‘Take Part’ session for older people’s activities at King Alfred Leisure Centre on 27 June that had been  very successful last year. Free activities would include ping-pong, tai chi; some suitable for wheelchair users. PM had joined the Age-Friendly City steering group meetings. Older people were encouraged to get in touch and give their views.


31.4  VB asked about disabled parking at Walter May House.


31.5 JE had a query on disabled access at All Saints Church. (MB as local Member to investigate)


31.6 MB reported a lot of public interest at the People’s Day stall.


31.7 HS said that as Secretary of Grey Matters radio productions would be contacting Age UK Brighton & Hove and others, on increasing the use of the radio as a resource.


31.8 JH gave regular Tuesday morning broadcasts on Radio Reverb (97.2FM). MB offered to stand in for JH on a Tuesday date in July.


31.9 Councillor Geoffrey Bowden, the Councillor link for the OPC, was now on the Adult Care and Health Committee and Health and Well-Being Board.  He was asking for all committee reports to include a section on implications for older people.



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