Agenda item - Substitution on Audit & Standards Committee and Composition of Standards Panels

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Agenda item

Substitution on Audit & Standards Committee and Composition of Standards Panels

Extract from the proceedings of the Audit & Standards Committee meeting held on 25 June 2013, together with a report of the Head of Law (copies attached).


24.1         Councillor Hamilton introduced the report and noted that a revised set of recommendations had been circulated as part of the addendum papers.  He stated that he was concerned to ensure that council understood the difference between the Independent Member on the Committee and the two independent persons who were co-opted members of the committee.  He also noted that proposed change to allow substitutes on the main committee should the need arise but that this would not be the case for any panels that were required.


24.2         Councillor A. Norman supported the comments made by Councillor Hamilton and welcomed the ability to have substitutes on the main committee which undertook a number of important functions in regard to corporate governance matters.


24.3         The Mayor noted that the recommendations had been moved along with the amendments and put them to the vote.


24.4         RESOLVED:


(1)               That to give effect to the proposals in paragraphs 3.5 -3.6 of the report;


(i)           the following words be inserted at the start of Council Procedure Rule 18.14, “Subject to Rules 18.15 to 18.19 below,”; and


(ii)     Rule 18.19 be amended to read, “Substitution on Standards Panel, Once a Standards Panel has been appointed in accordance with the approved procedure for investigating allegations of a breach of the members’ Code of Conduct, no substitution to that Panel shall be allowed.”


(2)               That the report as amended be noted.

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