Agenda item - Integrated Health, Social Care & Housing Support for "Homeless" People
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Agenda item
Integrated Health, Social Care & Housing Support for "Homeless" People
- Meeting of Health & Wellbeing Board, Wednesday, 11th September, 2013 4.00pm (Item 23.)
- View the background to item 23.
Report of Chief Operating Officer, CCG (copy attached).
23.1 The Board considered a report from the Chief Operating Officer, CCG which informed members that the Department of Health had informed the CCG that the proposal for the delivery of integrated health, social care and housing advice to “homeless people” through a co-located multi-disciplinary team had not been successful. Whilst feedback on the bid was very positive, they did not feel that the pilot would have the broader population impact required of the national pioneer sites.
23.2 There was however, from earlier discussions with partner agencies, a real willingness to implement a local integrated service along the lines of the model proposed. It was therefore recommended that despite not achieving national pioneer status the City proceed with a programme to deliver an integrated service and set up the necessary governance arrangements to oversee implementation.
23.3 Geraldine Hoban informed the Board that there had been a significant increase in street homelessness and that the life expectancy for the street homeless was low. There was increasing evidence that if resources were used wisely it led to better outcomes. Great improvements could be made by changing ways of working. The proposal was to provide a model of care for the homeless in the city which was primary care led.
23.4 Councillor Meadows expressed disappointment that the Government had not supported the bid. She supported the recommendation to implement the integrated model. Councillor Meadows considered that the probation service and the police should be involved in the project. She asked where the pump priming would come from and how much money was required.
23.5 Geraldine Hoban explained that a small amount of start up money might be required to fund nursing teams. She agreed that the suggestion to involve probation services and the police was a good idea.
23.6 Councillor Pissaridou also supported the recommendation. She mentioned that she was having a meeting with the Head of Housing and the Executive Director of Adult Services regarding the current lack of integration. There was currently no formal link between Adult Care & Health and Housing.
23.7 Councillor Bowden thought the approach was excellent. He asked if there were plans to work with ex service charities. Geraldine Hoban confirmed that working with ex service charities had been expressly focused on in the bid.
23.8 Hayyan Asif asked how the model would be assessed. Geraldine Hoban replied that there had been a national call for a pioneer bid and an opportunity to test integrated working. There was a recommendation for a strong integrated team model. This was about creating a culture to innovate and test the service. Ms Hoban explained that she would like to develop links with the University of Brighton in order for them to carry out an evaluation of the model.
23.9 Pinaki Ghoshal stated that he supported the model and noted that there were many actions. He stressed the need to look at what was already happening in the City to avoid duplication and explore what would be the right options. Mr Ghoshal drew attention to the needs of young people who were homeless.
23.10 Geraldine Hoban agreed that there should not be duplication and reported that there would be multi disciplinary teams. She would make sure Mr Ghoshal’s comments regarding young people were considered.
23.11 The Chair agreed with Councillor Meadows that the probation service and the police should be involved in the project.
23.12 RESOLVED – (1) That the detailed expression of interest in becoming a national pioneer site for integrating health, social care and housing support and the Department of Health’s response, be noted.
(2) That the intention of partner agencies to implement the integrated model described in Appendix 1, be endorsed.
(3) That the setting up of a multi-agency Programme Board to oversee implementation of the integrated care model, be approved.
(4) That an oversight of the Programme Board be provided on an ongoing basis.
Supporting documents:
- Item 23 - Health and Wellbeing Board Paper on Integration Pilot Sept1 (2), item 23. PDF 272 KB View as HTML (23./1) 312 KB