Agenda item - Verge and pavement parking restrictions - Formal consultation
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Agenda item
Verge and pavement parking restrictions - Formal consultation
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 8th October, 2013 4.00pm (Item 30.)
- View the background to item 30.
Report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
1. That having taken account of all duly made representations and objections Environment Transport & Sustainability Committee approve The Brighton & Hove (Various Roads) (Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verges and Footways order 20** (TRO-15-2013) subject to the following amendments.
2. Item 2 Schedule 1 shall be amend description to “From its junction with Surrenden Road to a point 88 metres south of the junction with Carden Avenue.”
3. Delete item 9 schedule 1 Varndean Road
4. In response to safety audit recommendations officers are to prepare measures to mitigate any adverse effects that have been identified in that audit subject to monitoring and evaluation of these locations.
30.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing that addressed the representations and objections to the draft traffic regulation order for Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verges and Footways and sought approval of the order subject to the amendments detailed in the report.
30.2 In response to public representation and other queries raised, the Programme Manager & Policy Development Officer explained that with regard to Varndean Road, he agreed that the specific stretch of road where vehicles are likely to come into conflict was 93 metres not 203 metres which would allow 17 out of the 20 vehicles currently on the verge to park on the road. However, he was of the view that to implement this, 4 x 15m sections of no waiting at any time would also be required on the south side. These would also act to protect pedestrian accesses to the flats and would result in the loss of about 12 spaces in an area of limited on street parking.
The Programme Manager & Policy Development Officer stated that the trial areas were intended to have the consent of the local community to proceed and noted there are 15 objections from residents of Varndean Road and that 2 out of 3 ward members were not favour. It was the officer’s view that any agreement to include Varndean Road within the proposals would negate that element of consent. Subject to agreement of the recommendations and resources and priorities, further consultation could take place with a view to finding a solution for Varndean Road.
30.3 Councillors Davey and Hawtree enquired as to possible alternative options for verge parking restrictions on Varndean Road.
30.4 The Chair replied that it was clear that the technical officer was very concerned about the inclusion of Varndean Road in the pilot scheme and the basis of consent of the community and safety. The Chair added that alternative options for Varndean Road could continue to be examined and the information learned from the pilot scheme would help inform that position.
30.5 Councillor Theobald welcomed the pilot scheme and agreed that the views and consent of residents and ward councillors should be respected in implementation.
1. That having taken account of all duly made representations and objections Environment Transport & Sustainability Committee approve The Brighton & Hove (Various Roads) (Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verges and Footways order 20** (TRO-15-2013) subject to the following amendments.
2. Item 2 Schedule 1 shall be amend description to “From its junction with Surrenden Road to a point 88 metres south of the junction with Carden Avenue.”
3. Delete item 9 schedule 1 Varndean Road
4. In response to safety audit recommendations officers are to prepare measures to mitigate any adverse effects that have been identified in that audit subject to monitoring and evaluation of these locations.
Supporting documents:
Verge and pavement parking restrictions - Formal consultation, item 30.
PDF 91 KB View as HTML (30./1) 88 KB
Appendix A TRO Notice, item 30.
PDF 47 KB View as HTML (30./2) 32 KB
Appendix B Statement of reasons, item 30.
PDF 37 KB View as HTML (30./3) 23 KB
Appendix C Draft Order, item 30.
PDF 49 KB View as HTML (30./4) 60 KB
Appendix D summary of representations and comments, item 30.
PDF 47 KB View as HTML (30./5) 30 KB
Appendix E Plan of proposed verge & pavement parking restrictions, item 30.
Appendix F Stage 1 & 2 combined safety audit, item 30.
PDF 878 KB