Agenda item - Funding Transfer from NHS England to Social Care
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Agenda item
Funding Transfer from NHS England to Social Care
- Meeting of Health & Wellbeing Board, Wednesday, 11th September, 2013 4.00pm (Item 24.)
- View the background to item 24.
Report of Chief Operating Officer, CCG and Executive Director of Adult Social Services (copy attached).
24.1 The Board considered a report of the Chief Operating Officer, CCG and the Executive Director, Adult Social Services, BHCC which sought approval from the Board for the proposed plans developed jointly for the use of funding streams to support health and social care joint working.
24.2 In previous years this allocation had been passed by Primary Care Trusts to local authorities. In 2013/14 it was announced that the funding transfer to local authorities would be carried out by the NHS Commissioning Board and that the sign off of local proposals should be by Health and Wellbeing Boards.
24.3 The allocation for 2013/14 in Brighton and Hove is £4,397,579. It is a condition of the transfer that the local authority agrees with its local health partners how the funding is best used within social care, and the outcomes expected from this investment. The funding must be used to support adult social care services in each local authority, which also has a health benefit.
24.4 Members were informed that this was the first opportunity for the Board to formally approve the Section 256 agreement. The Executive Director of Adult Social Services explained that plans were already in train and that some of the funding had already been committed in projects.
24.5 RESOLVED – (1) That the proposed use of the allocation as set out in section 3.5 be agreed and that the Section 256 agreement between the local authority and NHS England appended to this report be signed.
(2) That the Health and Wellbeing Board is provided with regular updates on how the funding is being used locally against the overall programme of adult social care expenditure and the overall outcomes against the plan, in order to assure itself that the conditions for the funding transfer are being met.
Supporting documents:
Item 24 - Funding Transfer from NHS England3-14 FINAL 29aug13 (2), item 24.
PDF 93 KB View as HTML (24./1) 94 KB
Item 24 - Funding Transfer - Memorandum of agreement FINAL 300813, item 24.
PDF 84 KB View as HTML (24./2) 72 KB