Agenda item - Sarah Creamer, Director of Commissioning at NHS England, Surrey & Sussex Area Team to address the Board
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Agenda item
Sarah Creamer, Director of Commissioning at NHS England, Surrey & Sussex Area Team to address the Board
19.1 The Board considered a presentation with slides from Susan Creamer, Director of Commissioning at NHS England, Surrey & Sussex Area Team. The presentation was an introduction to the Surrey and Sussex Team of NHS England. It explained the role, ways of working and responsibilities of NHS England. The presentation further explained the NHS England structure along with the structure of the Surrey and Sussex CCGs and hospital sites. The Surrey and Sussex Areas Team structure was set out with details of work carried out by the area team.
19.2 Ms Creamer explained that NHS England would welcome a seat on the Health and Wellbeing Board.
19.3 Councillor Pissaridou asked to whom were the area team responsible and how did they commissioned GPs. Ms Creamer explained that the area team was responsible to the board of NHS England. GPs were commissioned in a variety of ways. For example there were general medical contracts, lifelong contracts and other contractible vehicles and personal medical services.
19.4 Councillor Meadows thanked Ms Creamer and stated that she hoped NHS England did get a seat on the HWB. Councillor Meadows referred to the commissioning of primary care. She pointed out that private businesses such as dentists and opticians were involved and asked how this could be monitored. Ms Creamer explained that the CCG provided oversight for commissioning. There were a variety of vehicles for monitoring quality.
19.5 Xavier Nalletamby noted that the area team was not huge and stressed the importance of working together. Ms Creamer would commission what was required in partnership with GPs.
19.6 Councillor Meadows asked if GPs commissioned services to dentists and pharmacists. Geraldine Hoban explained that the situation was complex. The CCGs did not commission GPs. Basic contracts were agreed through the Area Team. GPs were CCG members and the CCG was trying to engage its members regarding quality issues. The CCG influenced better quality services rather than holding people to account over a contract. There was a need to work closely with the Area Teams.
19.7 Denise D’Souza asked where safeguarding would be placed. Sarah Creamer replied that there had been conversations to decide on where safeguarding should sit. A variety of models existed. She offered to take the question back for a definitive answer.
19.8 Councillor Bowden stated that this was the fourth reorganisation of the NHS that he had observed. He considered it a complicated hierarchical arrangement. He asked how much it would cost and what it would mean to the general public. He asked where sexual health would be placed. He further asked whether there would be further reorganisation if there was a general election and a new government.
19.9 Sarah Creamer referred to the NHS England, “Call to Action” agenda which was encouraging a debate to help the NHS meet future demand and tackle funding gaps. She stressed that if services continued to be delivered in the same way as now it could result in a funding gap which could grow to £30bn by the end of the decade. A dialogue was beginning with stakeholders to see how health services could be affordable.
19.10 Councillor Pissaridou asked about the position of preventative medicine in the new NHS structure. Tom Scanlon explained that this was part of the public health agenda and included work in housing, the environment, transport and education.
19.11 The Chair thanked Ms Creamer for her presentation and informed her that there would be discussions about her presence on the HWB.
19.12 RESOLVED – That the presentation be noted.