Agenda item - Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Update September 2013
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Agenda item
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Update September 2013
Report of Director of Public Health (copy attached).
21.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health which explained that from April 2013, local authorities and clinical commissioning groups had equal and explicit obligations to prepare a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). This duty was to be discharged by the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Board were therefore asked to note the publication of the JSNA summary for 2013. The plan for the 2013 summary update was approved by the shadow Board in March 2013. The Head of Public Health Intelligence informed members that the JSNA 2013 had been updated in line with this plan.
21.2 Members were informed that as part of the consultation process, there had been a call for evidence to the community and voluntary sector. There were 14 submissions from 12 organisations as set out in paragraph 4.5 of the report. The Head of Public Health Intelligence thanked the Community and Voluntary Sector Forum for its involvement in this process, and in promoting it to the sector.
21.3 Hayyan Asif asked about whether information from the schools surveys feed into the JSNA. The Head of Public Health Intelligence confirmed that evidence from the surveys is used widely in the JSNA.
21.4 Hayyan Asif asked about public engagement. The Head of Health Intelligence noted that the board had agreed in March that there would be no specific engagement with the public for the 2013 update. With Healthwatch now in place, Jane Viner, Healthwatch Manager, attended the September City Needs Assessment Steering Group to discuss and plan for how Healthwatch will be involved in providing further public voice into the JSNA. This is part of the action plan of the City Needs Assessment Steering Group.
21.5 Tom Scanlon stressed that the JSNA was a fantastic piece of work which provided a great wealth of information.
21.6 The Chair asked if additional information was expected from the 2011 census which could feed into the JSNA. The Head of Public Health Intelligence explained that more detailed data will be released up until February 2014.
21.7 The Chair thanked the Head of Public Health Intelligence, and all those involved, for their work on the JSNA.
21.8 RESOLVED – That the 2013 JSNA summary be noted for publication on BHLIS:
Supporting documents:
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Update September 2013, item 21.
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