Agenda item - OPC Work Programme
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Agenda item
OPC Work Programme
Dates of next meetings:
22 October 10.15am Kings House
19 November 10.15am Kings House
17 December 10.15am Kings House
21 January 2014 10.15am Jubilee Library (Public meeting)
18 February 10.15am Kings House
18 March 10.15am Jubilee Library (Public meeting)
22 April 10.15am Kings House
23.1 Nick Green was welcomed to the Older People’s Council as co-optee for the period up to 2015.
23.2 Sue Howley of ‘The Pensioner’ magazine said funding including through advertising, was being sought for the 11 November issue of the Pensioner magazine. A bid was being made for funding to set up a website. Councillor Bowden said he was continuing to investigate how the magazine may be supported more sustainably as it was aimed at older and perhaps isolated readership.
22.3 Members were encouraged to send all their funding suggestions to Sue Howley, or OPC Chair or Vice Chair who also sat on the Pensioner Interim Group.
22.4 OPC noted the future meeting dates and gave an update of their activities. HS, member of the Practitioner Alliance for Safeguarding Adults said it had been clarified that people who self-neglect cannot be forced to accept help - also he had contributed to research study, the OPC input into the Planning consultation on the Amex Stadium;
22.5 CV was following up his interest in wheelchair-accessible taxis; PM said there was much dissatisfaction around extended opening hours in the Roundhill area (Councillor Bowden highlighted the Cumulative Impact Zones and alcohol licensing of supermarkets); JW summarised latest planning developments;
22.6 PM outlined the Ageing Better Big Lottery Fund bid being drawn up by Age UK Brighton & Hove in coordination with the voluntary sector – also the Age Friendly City focus group formerly run by Pensioner Action. PM suggested topics for OPC to link in with AFC headline topics eg Transport;
22.7 FT reported he had attended the formal opening of The Level – the café would be opening in 2014 – any member who was prepared to be a ‘mystery shopper’ should contact FT – People’s Day would be June 14th 2014 though with reduced funding.
22.8 CV asked about the Winter Contingency Plans for this year; NG circulated forms for commenting on Personalised Health Care; JH referred to a National Pensioners’ Convention on benefits. VB had attended meetings with Age UK and the Keep ser Group and had heard an introduction to the Transforming Local Infrastructure project.
22.9 Councillor Bowden updated OPC on the Health and Wellbeing Board and Adult Social Care meetings. He said Councillor Bill Randall had been appointed the Councillor ‘Heritage Champion’ for the city.
22.10 On behalf of all OPC, the new Chair Mike Bojczuk thanked Jack Hazelgrove and Francis Tonks for all their hard work over the years as Chair and Vice Chair. He was pleased they will continue to serve as members. Jack and Francis received a round of enthusiastic applause.