Agenda item - Notices of Motion.

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Agenda item

Notices of Motion.

The following Notices of Motion have been submitted by Members for consideration (copies attached):


(a)               Partnering with Faith Groups in the City.  Proposed by Councillor Summers.


(b)              Small Business Saturday.  Proposed by Councillor Morgan.


(c)               High Strength Alcohol Ban.  Proposed by Councillor Lepper.


(d)              Empowering Local Communities.  Proposed by Councillor J. Kitcat.


(a)               Partnering with Faith Groups in the City


42.1         The Notice of Motion as detailed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Summers and seconded by Councillor Simson.


42.2         Councillor Randall moved an amendment to the notice of motion on behalf of the Green Group which was seconded by Councillor Deane.


42.3         The Mayor congratulated Councillor Daniel on her maiden speech during the debate on the motion.


42.4         The Mayor noted that the amendment had not been accepted by Councillor Summers and put it to the vote which was lost.


42.1         The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:


“In June 2013 a report called [1]Faith in the Community was published by the ‘Clearing the Ground’ committee of inquiry itself launched in 2012 by Christians in Parliament, an official All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG).


For UK faith groups the closest interaction that they have with government processes and institutions is at a local level. It is therefore important to understand how local authorities and faith groups work together, what they do and what barriers and benefits exist. The report explores these dynamics in order to promote closer and more fruitful relationships in the future.


In summer 2012 a survey was sent to all local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales that sought the perspectives of local authorities on their knowledge of and interaction with faith groups. From the 155 responses (which did not include Brighton & Hove City Council) it was clear that the engagement, for example, between churches and local authorities is often strong, fruitful and delivering much-needed support for our communities.


The areas that the report covers include identifying what faith groups do, how local authorities relate to faith groups, religious literacy (i.e. understanding why faith groups do what they do and addressing presumptions and prejudices that can restrict effective partnership), barriers to engagement between LAs and faith groups, and benefits for LAs of working with faith groups.


The 2011 census reports that nearly 48% of Brighton & Hove identifies with a faith (43% specifically as Christian). So almost half our population is potentially directly connected by a motivation that is outward-looking, freely-giving and therefore very generous. The potential benefits for the city that could be derived from faith groups, if a greater sense of collective partnership were cultivated with the council than at present for the wellbeing of everyone, is worth pursuing.


Whilst this council recognises the tremendous community and voluntary sector that exists in our city which, as the governing authority, we must continue to support, it also wishes to draw urgent attention to a collective resource that it is not felt is fully appreciated and engaged.


There are many and varied faith groups in our city and whilst a good proportion of them are evidently involved in wonderful works of service (very often without financial help) it is surely not the case that we are seeing or experiencing anywhere near the full force of input by such groups, the majority of whom are Christian.


This council, therefore, agrees:


a)           To acknowledge the important role played by faith groups within the community and voluntary sector in the city, and the services they provide to secure the wellbeing of many citizens especially in the difficult economic environment within which we live.


b)           The council has not been as forthcoming as it might in building relationships with faith groups and exploring partnerships of mutual benefit whilst recognizing and respecting their unique motives for serving and the motivations that inspire service towards others.


c)            That particularly in light of the Financial Inclusion Strategy adopted in March 2013, there should be a more formal, transparent and public demonstration of partnership working with faith groups both in terms of ongoing policy and of external communications as well as practical engagement.


d)           To introduce a new Member role of Champion for Faith Groups, in order to cement this partnership so that, irrespective of changing administrations, relationships and initiatives can continue and grow.


e)           To appoint a Member to the role with immediate effect.”


42.2         The motion was carried.


42.3         In view of the motion being carried, the Mayor sought nominations for the appointment of a Member to the role of Champion for Faith Groups.


42.4         Councillor G. Theobald proposed Councillor Summers.


42.5         Councillor Peltzer Dunn formally seconded the proposal.


42.6         There being no other nominations, the Mayor put the nomination of Councillor Summers to the vote which was carried.


42.7         RESOLVED: That Councillor Summers be appointed to the Member role of Champion for Faith Groups with immediate effect.



(a)               Small Business Saturday


42.8         The Notice of Motion as detailed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Morgan on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group and seconded by Councillor Robins.


42.9         Councillor Cox moved an amendment to the notice of motion on behalf of the Conservative Group which was seconded by Councillor G. Theobald.


42.10    Councillor Bowden moved an amendment to the notice of motion on behalf of the Green Group which was seconded by Councillor J. Kitcat.


42.11    The Mayor noted that the amendment moved by Councillor Cox had been accepted by Councillor Morgan and put it to the vote which was carried.


42.12    The Mayor noted that the amendment moved by Councillor Bowden had not been accepted by Councillor Morgan and put it to the vote which was lost.


42.13    The Mayor then put the following motion as amended to the vote.


“The council notes the upcoming Small Business Saturday, due to be held on Saturday 7th December at the peak of the Christmas shopping season,  as an excellent opportunity to showcase the hundreds of excellent independent smaller businesses across the City of Brighton and Hove.


The independent campaign, which has received backing from American Express who started the equivalent campaign in the US, has the backing of a wide range of business organisations including the Association of Convenience Stores, the Association of Town and City Management, the British Chamber of Commerce. the Federation of Small Businesses and the Forum for Private Business.


The Council notes that Small Business Saturday could play a key role in reversing the recent downturn in trade that many smaller businesses across the city are suffering from as the result of changes to parking charges and on street parking schemes.


            This Council resolves:


1)           To ask the Chief Executive and Lead Officers to ensure the authority participates fully in Small Business Saturday on 7th December 2013;


2)           To request that officers work closely with local business organisations and smaller enterprises across the City to make them aware of the day and help them participate in it; and


3)           To request that officers ensure the authority promotes Small Business Saturday via the Council’s websites, social media and other external communication tools;


This Council also requests that a report be brought to a Policy & Resources Urgency Sub-Committee within the necessary time-scale to ensure that consideration can be given to:


1)      The provision of free parking at Norton Road, London Road, Regency Square, High Street and Trafalgar Street car parks on Small Business Saturday in order to help boost trade. 


2)      The provision of free parking at Norton Road, London Road, Regency Square, High Street and Trafalgar Street car parks on the 3 Sundays before Christmas (8th, 15th and 22nd December).”


42.14    The motion was carried.



(b)              High Strength Alcohol Ban


42.18    The Notice of Motion as detailed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Lepper on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group and seconded by Councillor Marsh.


42.19    Councillor Powell moved an amendment to the notice of motion on behalf of the Green Group which was seconded by Councillor Deane.


42.20    The Mayor noted that the amendment had been accepted by Councillor Lepper and put it to the vote which was carried.


42.21    The Mayor then put the following motion as amended to the vote:


“The Council notes the impact that cheap and easy availability of high strength alcohol has on anti social behaviourand the potentially devastating effects on vulnerable street drinkers and alcoholics across the City. Recent media reports suggest that some off licences are selling beers and ciders that contain in one bottle more units of alcohol than the guideline recommended weekly intake levels.


This Council notes the success that Brighton and Hove and other local authorities, most notably Ipswich, have had, in introducing a voluntary ban on high-strength alcohol. In Brighton & Hove more than 60 off-licence retailers have already signed up to. In Ipswich, their scheme has seen anti social behaviour reduced across the town by nearly 50%, and in Brighton and Hove, this and other measures has seen alcohol-related hospital admissions significantly drop.(1)


This Council acknowledges the work that has begunon tackling this locally and recognises the importance of accelerating this activity.


            This Council further notes:


1)           That following earlier work a report will be brought to the Licensing Committee on 21st November  to formally launch the Sensible on Strength campaign which will further encouragethe sale of beer, cider or lager with an alcohol by volume of over 6.5%  across Brighton and Hove off licences;


2)           The work currently being undertaken with retailers by Domain 2 of the Alcohol Programme Board and the cross-party Alcohol Scrutiny Panel.


            This council resolves:


That subject to the Licensing Committee agreeing to (1) above, request that a progress report be brought back on the Sensible on Strength initiative to the March 2014 Licensing Committee Meeting.”




42.22    The motion was carried.



(c)               Empowering Local Communities


42.15    The Notice of Motion as detailed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor J. Kitcat on behalf of all of the Groups and jointly seconded by Councillors G. Theobald and Morgan.


42.16    The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:

“This council notes that England has the most centralised system of government in Europe. Devolution has also brought decisions about tax and spending, and the quality of public services, closer to voters in Scotland and Wales, but not residents in England. As a result major decisions on policies such as business rates, education and taxation are taken in Whitehall, away from communities’ local knowledge and talents.


Council notes the new cross-party Local Government Association (LGA) campaign called ‘Rewiring Public Services’.


This council notes the ten proposals of the LGA’s campaign, including proposals that local agencies should be able to prevent problems rather than just pick up the pieces; that voters should be given back a meaningful say on a wider range of tax and spending decisions; and ministers’ powers should be reduced so that they cannot intervene in local democracy, boundaries and decisions


This council believes that only through decentralising and devolving power will local communities and services receive the independence and sustainability they’ve long needed.

Further, this Council:


·               Supports the cross-party ‘Rewiring Public Services’ campaign; and


·               Resolves to ask city’s Members of Parliament to also support the Rewiring Public Services campaign”


42.17    The motion was carried.


Supporting documents:


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