Agenda item - Refresh of the Sustainable Community Strategy 2014-2017

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Agenda item

Refresh of the Sustainable Community Strategy 2014-2017

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 16th January 2014, together with a report of the Chief Executive (copies attached).


72.1         Councillor J. Kitcat introduced the report which had been referred from the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on 16 January 2014 to the Council for approval. He stated that he wished to take the opportunity to acknowledge how much impact the original local strategic partnership had had, and the positive steps that had been taken to achieving greater openness. The update would assist in clarifying the strategy; as well as providing new energy and focus.


72.2         Councillor Simson welcomed the report, and gave thanks to the input and support of all partners; which was an important part of the ethos of the strategy. The capacity to provide more joined up services was central to achieving the most from these services.


72.3         Councillor J. Kitcat thanked Councillor Simson for her comments, and noted that Members would continue to be updated.


72.4         RESOLVED: That Council adopt and approve the Strategy.

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