Agenda item - The new standards regime - one year on
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Agenda item
The new standards regime - one year on
- Meeting of Audit & Standards Committee, Tuesday, 19th November, 2013 4.00pm (Item 45.)
- View the background to item 45.
Report of the Head of Law & Monitoring Officer (copy attached).
45.1 The Committee considered a report in relation to the first year of the new Standards regime for the local authority. The report sought to review the operation of the Council’s Code of Conduct and standards arrangements since their adoption in 2012, and to consider recent guidance from Central Government.
45.2 It was confirmed for Councillor Wealls that in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests the regulations specifically referenced the nominal value of assets, rather than the material value.
45.3 The Committee discussed sanctions that could be imposed by a Standards Panel and it was clarified that the formal decision to remove a Member from a Committee would still sit with the appropriate Group leader and the Panel could only make recommendations.
45.4 RESOLVED – That the Committee note the report and the new Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Guidance on interests and agree that no further changes are required to the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members at this stage.
Supporting documents:
- The new standards regime - one year on, item 45. PDF 88 KB View as HTML (45./1) 84 KB
- 20131107133347_004955_0019539_Opennessandtransparencyonpersonalinterests, item 45. PDF 95 KB