Agenda item - Declaration on Tobacco Control
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Agenda item
Declaration on Tobacco Control
- Meeting of Health & Wellbeing Board, Wednesday, 27th November, 2013 4.00pm (Item 36.)
- View the background to item 36.
Report of Director of Public Health (copy attached).
36.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health which informed members that in May 2013, Newcastle City Council passed a declaration setting out their commitment to tackle the harm smoking causes to communities. This has become known as the Local Government Declaration on Tobacco Control and has been endorsed by, among others, the Public Health Minister, Chief Medical Officer and Public Health England. On 23 October, Brighton & Hove City Council was invited to join Newcastle and sign up to the declaration.
36.2 The Chair stated that as the formal launch of the declaration would take place before full Council, it was now proposed to recommend that the Policy & Resource Committee adopt the declaration.
36.3 Councillor Bowden referred to the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) guidance published on the morning of 27 November 2013 regarding smoking in hospital premises. He asked if this could be included in the declaration. He made the point that it would be virtually impossible to stop smoking in psychiatric units. Councillor Bowden also asked if the declaration could be extended to other partners such as City College. He considered that other committees should take note of the declaration as it was important to consider the matter holistically.
36.4 Geraldine Hoban asked if the CCG and health partners could sign up to a joint charter.
36.5 Fiona Harris, Head of Public Health Commissioning, NHS England Area Team stated that NHS England would be happy to take the lead to work in partnership with the Director of Public Health regarding smoking cessation and healthy workplaces.
36.6 The Chair suggested these matters could be pursued but it would take too long to be included in the declaration proposed in the report.
36.7 The Director of Public Health stated that a local charter with other organisations in the city would be an additional piece of work.
36.8 RESOLVED – (1)That Policy & Resources Committee be recommended to adopt this declaration.
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