Agenda item - Ernst & Young: Annual Certification Report 2012/13

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Agenda item

Ernst & Young: Annual Certification Report 2012/13

Report of the External Auditors – Ernst & Young (copy attached).


63.1         The Committee considered a report of the External Auditors, Ernst & Young, in relation to the annual certification report; the certification work provided assurance to Government departments and grant paying bodies that claims for grants and subsidies were made properly, and that information in financial returns was reliable.


63.2         In response to Councillor Sykes the Executive Director of Finance & Resources explained that amount of grant from the government for administering Housing and Council Tax benefit subsidy was exceeded by the actual cost of administering the system. This was often a national trend and there had been some conversations with other local authorities in relation to further lobbying on the matter.


63.3         RESOLVED: That the 2012/13 annual certification report be noted.

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