Agenda item - Complaints Update - January 2014

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Agenda item

Complaints Update - January 2014

Report of the Head of Law & Monitoring Officer (copy attached).


62.1         The Committee considered a report of the Head of Law & Monitoring Officer in relation to the Complaints Update; the paper sought to provide the regular update to the Committee in relation to allegations about Member conduct, and contained a summary of information about the number of complaints received in relation to services provided by the Council. The report also contained summary information about the number of complaints received about services the Council provided.


62.2         In response to Councillor Summers the Standards & Complaints Manager stated that figures in relation to Ombudsman complaints were nationally published; it was difficult to judge why the city received a high number of complaints, but it was important to note that only a small number of investigations found against the Council.


62.3         Councillor Wealls asked about any recommendations made by the Ombudsman where fault had been found, and the Executive Director of Finance & Resources suggested a report could be bought to a future meeting specifically looking at these kinds of feedback loops. In response to Councillor Sykes the Executive Director also added that the information bought to the Committee in relation to complaints could be reviewed.


62.4          RESOLVED: That the Committee note the report.

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