Agenda item - Mayor's Communications.

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Agenda item

Mayor's Communications.

To receive communications from the Mayor.


78.1         The Mayor reported that under Section 30(6) of the Local Government Act 1992 the Council had a duty to set the Council Tax by 11 March 2014.  A failure to set a tax did not then in itself invalidate the tax demands but it had other adverse consequences including the potential loss of income to the Council.  One significant practical implication was that the contractor who printed and sent out the Council Tax bills had a slot booked to process the City Council’s bills and a delay in setting the Budget could have significant implications in this respect.


78.2         The Mayor noted that the procedure agreed for the budget debate enabled the Administration to outline its budget proposals along with any amendments and for the various Groups to put forward up to seven amendments.  She reminded the council of the need to set a balanced budget and whilst there was a situation of no overall control, she noted that Members had both a collective and individual responsibility to ensure that the process allowed for the setting of a balanced budget.  She also noted that should any of the amendments put forward be approved, there may then be a need to adjourn the meeting to enable the Executive Director for Finance & Resources and/or the Monitoring Officer to clarify the impact on the overall budget position.


78.3         The Mayor stated that there would not be a formal call over as she was aware that Members wished to discuss all three items under the Policy & Resources Committee’s proceedings.  She also noted that a procedural note in relation to the Budget debate had been circulated as an annex to the agenda, and that a procedural note had been circulated as part of the addendum papers which she hoped Members would find helpful. In this respect she stated that it was intended that the General Fund Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2014/15, the Supplementary Financial Information report, the Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme and the Housing Revenue Account Budget would be taken together in the one debate. 


78.4         The Mayor outlined the process for the debate and asked that in moving the Budget and the amendments, the Member concerned should give an indication of their Group’s position in respect of the various amendments that had been notified to enable proper space for debate on the issues of contention. She stated that following the conclusion of the general debate, she would then ask for the electronic voting system to be activated and then take votes on each amendment and finally on the substantive proposals as proposed or as amended.  She noted that there would be three separate votes on the substantive proposals, i.e. Item 79 together with Item 80, then Item 81 and finally Item 82.


78.5         The Mayor then advised the council that Procedural Rules would need to be suspended in so far as was necessary to enable the business under Items 79-82 on the agenda to be dealt with as set out in the annex and the procedural note as circulated and moved the suspension accordingly.


78.6         The motion was carried.

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