Agenda item - Minutes
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Agenda item
To approve as a correct record the minutes of:
(a)The last Ordinary Council meeting held on the 30th January 2014 (copy attached);
(b)The minutes of the Budget Council meeting held on the 27th February 2014 (copy to follow); and
(c) The minutes of the Budget Council meeting held on the 5th March 2014 (copy to follow).
(a) Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 30 January 2014
92.1 Councillor Summers referenced paragraph 70.12 and asked that words ‘isn’t it the case’ removed from the fourth sentence and the typographical error at the end of the final sentence be correct to ‘per se’
92.2 Councillor Hawtree noted a typographical error at paragraph 75.13 such that ‘he’ should be correct to ’she’.
92.3 Councillor Randall referenced paragraph 67.9 and noted that at the fourth paragraph the individual’s name should correctly read ‘Andy Tuck’.
92.4 Councillor Peltzer Dunn referenced paragraph 74.3 and noted that he had drawn Officer’s attention to inaccuracies in the wording outside of the meeting; it was agreed the appropriate wording could be agreed with Officers following on from the meeting.
92.5 With the above changes the minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 30 January 2014 were approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record of the proceedings.
(b) Minutes of the Budget Council Meeting held on 27 February 2014
92.6 The minutes of the Budget Meeting of the Council held on 27 February 2014 were approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record of the proceedings.
(c) Minutes of the Budget Council Meeting held on 5 March 2014
92.7 The minutes of the Budget Meeting of the Council held on 5 March 2014 were approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record of the proceedings.
Supporting documents:
- Item 92 Minutes 30.01.14, item 92. PDF 156 KB View as HTML (92./1) 172 KB
- Item 92 (b) Minutes 27.02.14, item 92. PDF 246 KB View as HTML (92./2) 1 MB
- Item 92 (c) Minutes 05.03.14, item 92. PDF 162 KB View as HTML (92./3) 554 KB
- Item 92 (c) Minutes 05.03.14 (updated), item 92. PDF 162 KB View as HTML (92./4) 564 KB