Agenda item - Notices of Motion.
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Agenda item
Notices of Motion.
The following Notices of Motion have been submitted by Members for consideration (copies attached):
(a) Improving the Recycling and Refuse Service. Proposed by Councillor Wealls.
(b) ‘March for England’. Proposed by Councillor G. Theobald.
(c) Payday Lenders and Internet Ban. Proposed by Councillor Wilson.
(d) Royal Sussex County Hospital. Proposed by Councillor Morgan.
(e) Dealing with Flooding. Proposed by Councillor Hawtree.
(f) Smart Rent Controls. Proposed by Councillor Randall.
(a) Improving the Recycling and Refuse Service
106.1 The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Wealls and seconded by Councillor Cox.
106.2 Councillor J. Kitcat moved an amendment to the notice of motion on behalf of the Green Group which was seconded by Councillor West.
106.3 The Mayor noted that the amendment had not been accepted by Councillor Wealls and put it to the vote which was lost.
106.4 The Mayor then put then the following motion to the vote:
“This Council resolves to request the Leader of the Council to immediately set up a Command Group to address as a matter of urgency the ongoing problems with the City Clean refuse and recycling service.”
106.5 The motion was carried.
(b) March for England
106.6 The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor G. Theobald and seconded by Councillor Simson.
106.7 The Mayor then put then the following motion to the vote:
“This Council, urges the Gold Command Strategic Partnership Group to reconsider allowing the March for England and associated counter-protest to take place in the city centre on 27th April.”
106.8 The motion was lost.
(c) Integrating a Financial and Digital Inclusion Strategy
106.9 The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Wilson and seconded by Councillor Daniel.
106.10 Councillor J. Kitcat moved an amendment to the notice of motion on behalf of the Green Group which was seconded by Councillor Duncan.
106.11 The Mayor noted that the amendment had been accepted by Councillor Wilson.
106.12 The Mayor then put then the following motion to the vote as amended:
“To request the Policy & Resources Committee to consider implementing a warning system about pay day lenders on all council computers and via publically accessible internet connections provided by the Council, including libraries. This would ensure a warning about pay day lenders is displayed if a user attempts to access a known pay day lending site, and the suggestion made that they instead access information on the Money Advice Service and East Sussex Credit Union and other responsible lenders. There should remain an option on the page for users to choose to continue to the requested site if they wish.”
106.13 The motion was carried.
106.14 The Mayor moved the closure motion and put the matter to the vote which was carried and therefore the Mayor noted each of the remaining items would need to be taken and voted on or withdrawn by the mover before the meeting was concluded. She noted that the remaining items were No. 106 (d), (e) and (f).
(d) Redevelopment of the Royal Sussex County Hospital
106.15 Following the motion to terminate the meeting at 21.15 Councillor Morgan indicated that he wished the item to be taken and the amendment from the Conservative Group was not accepted.
106.16 The Mayor put the amendment to the vote which was lost.
106.17 The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:
“This council believes that the provision of modern NHS facilities is essential for this city.
This council requests the Chief Executive to write to the Prime Minister David Cameron and the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt and call on the Government to release the funding already earmarked in the NHS capital spending budget for the “3Ts” redevelopment at the Royal Sussex County Hospital without further delay.”
106.18 The motion was carried.
(e) Dealing with Flooding
106.19 Following the motion to terminate the meeting at 21.15 Councillor Sykes indicated that he wished the item to be taken.
106.20 The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:
“In the light of the effect of recent weather events on our city and more widely, this council resolves:
(1) To ask our Chief Exec to write to relevant Secretaries of State requesting they:
· Set a meaningful deadline for the requirement in new build for sustainable drainage systems, as set out under the Floods and Water Management Act 2010
· Increase spending on flood defences to the level suggested by the Climate Change Committee and reduce the cost benefit ratio required for schemes to be eligible for support;
· Commit to a policy to rethink land management policies to encourage the storage of water in upland areas, and make flood prevention a non-negotiable condition of all farm subsidies
· Strengthen planning rules for urban and rural areas to prevent further development on flood plains and ensure developers prioritise flood resilience and prevention.
(2) As one of ten Defra-defined Flood Risk Areas in England, to request the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee to prioritise work on our city Flood Risk Management Plan and in particular the Surface Water Management Plan to bring forward viable schemes to reduce flood risk in key ‘hotspots’.”
106.21 The motion was carried.
(f) Smart Rent Controls
106.22 Following the motion to terminate the meeting at 21.15 Councillor Randall indicated that he wished the item to be taken.
106.23 The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:
“This Council resolves:
(1) To support campaigns for ‘smart rent controls’ to prevent rents spiralling even further out of control, and to give stability and security to renters and landlords; and
(2) To call on the government to explore such a system with housing charities and landlords organisations, and consider bringing forward further regulation to implement controls if necessary”
106.24 The motion was carried.
Supporting documents:
- Item 106 (a) NM01 ConGrp - City Clean, item 106. PDF 55 KB View as HTML (106./1) 40 KB
- Item 106 (b) NM02 ConGrp - March for England, item 106. PDF 48 KB View as HTML (106./2) 38 KB
- Item 106 (c) M03 LabGrp Pay Day Lenders Internet Ban, item 106. PDF 48 KB View as HTML (106./3) 40 KB
- Item 106 (d) NM04 LabGrp RSCH, item 106. PDF 45 KB View as HTML (106./4) 39 KB
- Item 106 (e) NM05 GrnGrp - Dealing with Flooding, item 106. PDF 47 KB View as HTML (106./5) 40 KB
- Item 106 (f) NM06 GrnGrp - Smart Rent Controls, item 106. PDF 47 KB View as HTML (106./6) 41 KB
- Item 106(a) NM01 GrnGrp Amend - City Clean, item 106. PDF 78 KB View as HTML (106./7) 42 KB
- Item 106 (c) M03 LabGrp Pay Day Lender Ban (updated), item 106. PDF 48 KB View as HTML (106./8) 40 KB
- Item 106(d) NM04 ConGrp Amend - RSCH, item 106. PDF 73 KB View as HTML (106./9) 40 KB