Agenda item - Mayor's Communications.

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Agenda item

Mayor's Communications.

To receive communications from the Mayor.


110.1.     The Mayor reminded the Council that it was in purdah and therefore should be mindful of the position during any debates in the meeting;


110.2.     The Mayor then drew Members’ attention to Item 114(A) on the agenda which related to the petition debate regarding the ‘Save our Deans’ campaign.  She noted that a planning application in relation to this matter was expected and therefore Members of the Planning Committee need to be mindful of their position should they choose to speak in the debate so as to not compromise their role on the committee;


110.3.     The Mayor then drew Members’ attentionto the clarification paper from the Monitoring Officer in relation to Item 117 on the agenda, following the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 1st May, which has been circulated with the addendum papers;


110.4.     The Mayor informed the Council that she had also agreed to take an additional item concerning the Area Panel Boundaries and Housing Management Consultative Sub-Committee, which has been referred for information from the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held last Thursday.  The extract from the minutes and the report had been circulated with the addendum papers and were listed as Item 117(A).


110.5.     Finally, the Mayor noted that there were only two reports listed for consideration and therefore she did not see the need for a call over.


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