Agenda item - Petitions for Council Debate

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Agenda item

Petitions for Council Debate

Petitions to be debated at Council:



(a)    ‘Save our Deans’ - Petition to abandon the development proposals of Lightwood Property for The Vale Meadows.  Report of the Monitoring Officer (copy attached).


114.1.     The Mayor stated that the council’s petition scheme provided that where a petition secured 1,250 or more signatures it could be debated at a Council meeting.  She had been notified of one such petition which had sufficient signatures to warrant a debate and therefore would call on the lead petitioner to present their petition before opening the matter up for debate.


114.2.     The Mayor then called on Mr. Wedd to present the petition concerning the proposed development on land known locally as ‘The Vale Meadows’ adjoining Rottingdean and Ovingdean by Lightwood Developments.


114.3.     Mr. Wedd thanked the Mayor and stated that the petition sought to secure the greenfield site so as to protect the area and maintain the natural separation of Rottingdean and Ovingdean and to prevent such developments as proposed by Lightwood Developments.  He stated that over 1,600 people had signed the petition and he hoped that the council would recognise the potential impact such a development would have on the area and amenities.  He suggested that there were other more suitable areas which could be used to meet the demand for housing such as Shoreham Port and under-used employment land; but in the meantime hoped that the council would be mindful of the level of opposition to the proposed development and refuse any planning application of this nature.


114.4.     Councillor J. Kitcat thanked Mr. Wedd for presenting the petition and noted that the area had not been identified in the City Plan and that the Planning Committee would take into consideration any objections that were made to a planning application.


114.5.     Councillor Hawtree noted that the National Planning Policy Framework had put the council in a difficult position and that he had received a number of emails in regard to the proposal for the meadows.  He believed that any planning application would be considered very carefully by the planning committee.


114.6.     Councillor Smith stated that he supported the petition and felt that any such development would lead to similar ones coming forward for other areas in the city known as the ‘Deans’.  He was unsure why the area in question had been left out of the South Downs National Park and believed that the opposition to the proposal was likely to get larger and hoped that the unique area would remain as it was.


114.7.     Councillor Mears noted that Meadow Vale had originally been included in the boundary of the National Park but appeared to have been removed as it had become associated with Longhill School playing fields.  She believed that this was something that needed to be looked into and clarified.  She also felt that there were a number of similar areas on the fringes of the city that should be protected and that future housing developments should be directed to brownfield sites and/or consideration given to height levels in the city.  It was an important issue and one she hoped that the council could get right.


114.8.     Councillor Mitchell congratulated Mr. Wedd on his presentation and noted the strength of feeling that existed amongst the local community in relation to the matter.  She suggested that it would be appropriate for the petition to be referred to the relevant Planning Officer so that it could be taken into account as an objection to the existing proposal.


114.9.     Councillor G. Theobald stated that he believed the key was to get the City Plan approved so that any such proposals could be prevented from coming forward.  He had raised his concerns with the Minister and urged the council to get the City Plan agreed with the Planning Inspector and should they turn it down, he was prepared to take it to the Minister.


114.10.  Councillor Kitcat noted the comments and that the Conservative Group had previously voted against the draft city plan.  However, he felt that the petition could be noted and referred to the planning officers so that it was taken into account as part of any consultation and objections raised, should an application be submitted to the Planning Committee.


114.11.  The Mayor then put the recommendation to the vote.


114.12.  RESOLVED: That the petition be noted and referred to the Planning Case Officer to be included with any other information that forms part of the consultation responses to a planning application that is submitted by Lightwood Developments in respect of The Vale Meadows for consideration by the Planning Committee.

Supporting documents:


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