Agenda item - Area Panel Boundaries and the Housing Management Consultative Sub-Committee

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Agenda item

Area Panel Boundaries and the Housing Management Consultative Sub-Committee

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 1st May 2014, together with a joint report of the Monitoring Officer and Executive Director for Environment, Transport & Sustainability (copies attached).


117.10      Councillor J. Kitcat introduced the report which had been referred from the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 1st May for information following a request from the Conservative Group.  He noted that the proposals agreed by the Policy & Resources Committee had followed a large amount of work with tenants and meant that there were a number of avenues for tenant involvement even with the removal of the Consultative Sub-Committee.


117.11      Councillor Peltzer Dunn referred to pages 19-21 of the addendum papers which outlined the record of the debate at the Policy & Resources Committee meeting.  He accepted that there had been a consultation process with tenants and that the view that 4 Area Panels should be established taken on board.  However, he believed that tenants had expressed a view at Area Panels and the last meeting of the Consultative Sub-Committee that the Sub-Committee should be retained.  He supported this view and had been opposed to the sub-committee’s abolishment as it had taken on board the wider views of tenants’ across the city.


117.12      Councillor Wilson stated that she believed there were a number of opportunities for tenants to influence and engage with the council and that an element of duplication had been removed.  She also drew Members’ attention to the excellent report of the newly established Tenant Scrutiny and hoped that it would develop further. 


117.13      Councillor Mears noted that the Housing Revenue Account meant that tenants’ rents paid for consultation and that tenants representatives on the Consultative Sub-Committee had not been actively involved because they felt that they had not been listened to.  She believed the loss of the sub-committee was a serious step which meant that tenants’ views could not be expressed and taken into consideration; and queried how this would be accounted for.


117.14      Councillor Randall stated that the proposals had been considered by the Constitution Working Group and Leaders Group.  He acknowledged that Councillor Peltzer Dunn had been consistent in his opposition to the loss of the sub-committee; however the 4 Area Panels would receive information and be able to comment on reports going to the Housing Committee.   There were also 2 City Assemblies each year, various sheltered housing groups, the high-rise action group, tenants associations and tenant scrutiny all of which could engage with councillors and the council.


117.15      The Mayor noted the comments and that the report had been referred for information and therefore moved that the report be noted.


117.16      RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

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