Agenda item - Disability and Special Educational Needs Review

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Agenda item

Disability and Special Educational Needs Review

Report of Executive Director, Children’s Services (copy attached).




9.1       The Board considered a report of the Executive Director, Children’s Services which set out the terms of a review of Disability and SEN services, including related health services.  The report was presented by the Assistant Director of Children’s Services. 


9.2       A diagram in paragraph 3.8 of the report showed the four areas covered by the scope and remit of the review.  Children and young people were firmly at the heart of the review.  The report had been presented to the Children and Young People Committee.      


9.3       Members were informed that the Government was implementing wide ranging reforms to the way services for children and young people with SEN and disabilities were delivered through the Children and Families Act from September 2014.  SEN, health, care and disability provision would now be provided up to age 25.  This change would have big implications for all agencies.  The timeline for the review was set out in paragraph 3.7.  


9.4       Governance of the review would come from specially constituted Governance Board consisting of high level representation from Children’s Services, CCG, schools and parents.  The Health and Wellbeing Board would be the primary accountable body.


9.5       Pinaki Ghoshal stressed that this was a substantial review and it would be a challenge to achieve the timeline set out in paragraph 3.7.    However, the result of the review would be better services for children and their families.  The work would involve decommissioning some services and commissioning new services.


9.6       Councillor Shanks was invited to address the Board as Chair of the Children and Young People Committee.  She supported the recommendations and had every confidence the review would lead to an improved service. 


            Questions and Discussion


9.7       Denise D’Souza referred to the transition arrangements to adulthood mentioned in paragraph 3.3.  She stressed the need for this matter to be considered by commissioners.  Geraldine Hoban agreed this was the role of the CCG and was confident that the CCG and were involved in the process.  Ms Hoban stated that it might be helpful to have a more detailed paper on how the CCG would work more closely with Children’s Services.  One other duty would be a greater emphasis on  integrated budgets.  The CCG would work with Children’s Services with regard to the personalisation process for children. 


9.8       Councillor Jarrett stated that on behalf of the Scrutiny Panel on Services for Children with Autism, he welcomed the proposals in the report.  The families of children with autism had requested more support.


9.9       RESOLVED – (1) That the commencement of the review be noted and the scope, vision and aims of the review be approved.


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