Agenda item - Motorcycles in Bus lanes trial

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Agenda item

Motorcycles in Bus lanes trial

Report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).



1)            That the Committee instructs officers to revoke the existing Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) covering the bus lanes on the A259 and to create a new TRO to allow powered two wheelers (PTW) to access bus lanes from the Authority boundary at Saltdean to the Ovingdean roundabout.


2)            That the Committee instructs officers to revoke the existing Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) covering the bus lanes on the A23 and to create a new TRO to allow PTW to access the bus lanes from Carden Avenue to Preston Drove with measures added to deal with road safety concerns identified at the Peacock Lane junction.


3)            That the Committee agrees to a new 12 month monitored trial from December 2015, on an 18 month Experimental Order, to allow powered two wheelers to access bus lanes on the A270 in both directions from north of the Vogue Gyratory to the authority boundary at Stony Mere Way and makes funding available for this purpose.



46.1         RESOLVED-


1)                 That the Committee instructs officers to revoke the existing Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) covering the bus lanes on the A259 and to create a new TRO to allow powered two wheelers (PTW) to access bus lanes from the Authority boundary at Saltdean to the Ovingdean roundabout.


2)                 That the Committee instructs officers to revoke the existing Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) covering the bus lanes on the A23 and to create a new TRO to allow PTW to access the bus lanes from Carden Avenue to Preston Drove with measures added to deal with road safety concerns identified at the Peacock Lane junction.


3)                 That the Committee agrees to a new 12 month monitored trial from December 2015, on an 18 month Experimental Order, to allow powered two wheelers to access bus lanes on the A270 in both directions from north of the Vogue Gyratory to the authority boundary at Stony Mere Way and makes funding available for this purpose.


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