Agenda item - Lewes Road Triangle - Area j Extension
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Agenda item
Lewes Road Triangle - Area j Extension
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 7th October, 2014 4.00pm (Item 36.)
- View the background to item 36.
Report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
1) That, having taken account of all duly made representations and objections, the Committee approves as advertised the following orders;
a) Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment Order 2008 No.* 201* (Area J extensions)
b) Brighton & Hove Outer Areas (Waiting, Loading and Parking) and Cycle Lanes Consolidation Order 2013 Amendment No.* 201*
2) That any amendments included in the report and subsequent requests deemed appropriate by officers are added to the proposed scheme during implementation and advertised as an amendment Traffic Regulation Order.
36.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing that addressed comments and objections to the draft traffic regulation order proposing an extension of the Area J resident parking scheme into the Lewes Road Triangle area.
36.2 Councillor Daniel noted that many business located in the area were struggling in the current financial climate and in reference to paragraph 5.20 of the report, asked if the visitor spaces would be located near to shops and if they would be charged at the lowest tariff rate as recently introduced in London Road. Furthermore, in reference to paragraph 5.37 and 5.38, Councillor Daniel repeated the view that the wider area needed a half hour tariff.
36.3 The Parking Infrastructure Manager stated the scheme would use the lowest tariff and that the scheme had created more shared spaces, particularly in side roads. The Parking Infrastructure Manager added that the council used to operate a half hour tariff although this had been discontinued as it was not utilised and any proposal to re-introduced such a tariff would need to be done via a wider review in the annual Fees & Charges report.
36.4 Councillor Deane thanked officers for producing report and as ward councillor for the area, she was aware it had the support of residents.
36.5 Councillor Davey stated that he welcomed the resolution to a long running problem. Lewes Road suffered from being close to the city centre and so huge demand was placed upon spaces and the proposals would make the situation easier for residents and hopefully improve air quality in the area.
1) That, having taken account of all duly made representations and objections, the Committee approves as advertised the following orders;
a) Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment Order 2008 No.* 201* (Area J extensions)
b) Brighton & Hove Outer Areas (Waiting, Loading and Parking) and Cycle Lanes Consolidation Order 2013 Amendment No.* 201*
2) That any amendments included in the report and subsequent requests deemed appropriate by officers are added to the proposed scheme during implementation and advertised as an amendment Traffic Regulation Order.
Supporting documents:
- Lewes Road Triangle - Area j Extension, item 36. PDF 110 KB View as HTML (36./1) 58 KB
- Enc. 1 for Lewes Road Triangle - Area j Extension, item 36. PDF 941 KB
- Enc. 2 for Lewes Road Triangle - Area j Extension, item 36. PDF 35 KB View as HTML (36./3) 73 KB