Agenda item - Area E (Preston Park Station North) Traffic Order amendments.

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Agenda item

Area E (Preston Park Station North) Traffic Order amendments.

Report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).



The Committee is recommended to (having taken into account of all the duly made representations and objections):


Approve the Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation order 2008 amendment Order No.* 201* with the following amendment;


That 6 bays (Two sections of 20m and 8m on either side of Matlock Road are changed from exclusive / shared pay & display bays into free limited waiting parking bays Monday to Friday for up to one hour with no return within one hour (Appendix C).



40.1      RESOLVED- The Committee approves the following Orders (having taken into account of all the duly made representations and objections):


Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation order 2008 amendment Order No.* 201* with the following amendment;


That 6 bays (Two sections of 20m and 8m on either side of Matlock Road are changed from exclusive / shared pay & display bays into free limited waiting parking bays Monday to Friday for up to one hour with no return within one hour (Appendix C).


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