Agenda item - Coast to Capital Growth Deal - Implications for Greater Brighton
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Agenda item
Coast to Capital Growth Deal - Implications for Greater Brighton
- Meeting of Greater Brighton Economic Board, Tuesday, 29th July, 2014 10.00am (Item 10.)
- View the background to item 10.
Report of Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board (copy attached)
10.1 The Board considered a report that provided an update on the outcome of the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Growth Deal and set out the projects that fell within the Greater Brighton City Region which would be funded by the Local Growth Fund (LGF) as well as initial proposals in governance and delivery arrangements. The finalised governance arrangements would be presented to the October meeting of the Board. A review of those projects that did not receive funding would also need to be conducted.
10.2 The Strategic Director of Coast to Capital LEP explained that whilst there was an element of flexibility, it was very important for the funding allocated in 2015/16 to be spent delivering the projects. He added that whilst the Coast to Capital Growth Deal included a £31.7m funding package for sustainable transport that would be delegated to local transport bodies, an element of that would be assigned to the Board for employment and housing initiatives.
10.3 The Chair expressed his congratulations on a result that meant the Greater Brighton area was amongst the top 10 LEP’s in the country. The Chair stated that more work and co-operation was now required in focus on the delivery of the projects.
10.4 Councillor Wall stated that Mid-Sussex District Council would welcome any support the Board could provide.
10.5 Councillor Theobald congratulated the result of the work undertaken and stated that he was pleased that the focus was not exclusively on the larger cities. Councillor Theobald requested clarity on the location of flood and sea defence work in Shoreham and asked if bonds might be an option for those projects that were not successful.
10.6 The Head of City Regeneration Brighton & Hove City Council stated that there was a description of the flood and sea defence work in Shoreham in the report of the Greater Brighton Investment Programme adding that a portfolio for all the Greater Brighton projects could be collated and circulated to members.
10.7 The Chief Executive for Worthing Borough Council & Adur District Council asked for further clarification on 3.22 of the report regarding misunderstanding of EUSIF funding.
10.8 The Strategic Director, Coast to Capital LEP clarified that this referred to a reluctance encountered to cede delegation to local level and some misunderstanding on the issue from the LGA.
10.9 Councillor Blackman asked if funding could be brought forward if projects were ahead of schedule.
10.10 The Strategic Director, Coast to Capital LEP stated that it was unlikely funding could be brought forward if projects were ahead of schedule however, there may be some flexibility for projects that might be struggling- although there was no guarantee the LEP would agree to any request.
10.11 The Chair stated that Members should take the matter of EU funding up with the LGA for clarification and consensus.
10.12 Councillor Turner stated that his colleagues in the EU often stated their surprise to him that local authorities did not pursue funding more regularly.
10.13 The Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing Brighton & Hove City Council stated that EU funding was often subject to very strict audit and increased liability for the managing authority. There was a significant distinction in terms of reward for large and small projects and funding. The Executive Director suggested that officers could return with a report on the matter sometime in the future for clarification.
10.14 RESOLVED- That the Greater Brighton Economic Board-
1) Notes the success in securing Local Growth Funding for projects that fall within the Greater Brighton city region
2) Endorses the approach taken regarding the planning for the delivery of LGF funded projects
3) Requests that the Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board focus their work on urgently developing final business cases and delivery plans for all first year LGF funded projects that fell within the city region so that they are ready to start delivery from April 2015.
4) Asks for a revised list of city region pipeline projects agreed with partners which will be developed into full business cases for future LGF funding rounds.
5) Notes that the resource requirements to ensure capacity to both deliver funded projects and secure further funding for the City Region from future rounds are outlined in a report that also appears on the agenda for the Board meeting.
Supporting documents:
- Item 11. Coast to Capital Growth Deal - Implications for Greater Brighton. GBEB 290714, item 10. PDF 139 KB View as HTML (10./2) 110 KB