Agenda item - Greater Brighton Business Survey
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Agenda item
Greater Brighton Business Survey
- Meeting of Greater Brighton Economic Board, Tuesday, 29th July, 2014 10.00am (Item 12.)
- View the background to item 12.
Report of Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board (copy attached)
12.1 The Board considered a report that presented the findings of the Greater Brighton Business Survey 2014 and presented recommendations arising from the survey.
12.2 The Chairman of the Adur & Worthing District Business Partnership stated that he felt there was some overlap with priorities 3, 4, 10.
12.3 In reference to recommendation 8, the Chairman of the Brighton & Hove Business Partnership asked if the role was as exemplar employer or facilitator.
12.4 The Economic Development Manager, Brighton & Hove City Council stated that local authorities would act as a conduit to facilitate school networks with the business community.
12.5 Councillor Blackman observed priority 3 should be more precise in its wording as profit did not necessarily lead to growth. Councillor Blackman noted that the needs of businesses changed within its lifecycle and businesses was not a homogenous group and included start-ups, those in transition, small businesses and large businesses.
12.6 Councillor Turner stated that business growth was also about productivity. With reference to recommendation 5, Councillor Turner stated that he had never come across a business using UKTI.
12.7 The Chair stated that the issue of UKTI had also arisen at the LEP Board and it was clear there were strong views for and against its use. The Chair supplemented that recommendations 1, 3 and 9 appeared to cover the same issues but were phrased slightly differently.
12.8 Councillor Blackman agreed that recommendations 1 and 3 were very similar but that recommendation 9 was more strategic in nature.
12.9 The Chairman of the Adur & Worthing District Business Partnership stated that the key issue was working more smartly for value maximisation adding that he felt this was something the officer board needed to look at.
12.10 The University of Brighton Director of Economic & Social Engagement stated that more and more universities saw London as a focus for recruitment and the Board similarly should consider actively campaigning for the region in London be that virtually or physically.
12.11 The Chair agreed adding that the key cities had considered collaborating to establish an embassy type building as a base in London.
12.12 The Chief Executive of Worthing Borough Council & Adur District stated that he supported the report and that he believed London would be the biggest economic driver in the course of the next twenty years and the Board should seek to maximise any opportunities connected with the city.
12.13 The Chair stated the Greater Brighton region had a unique opportunity in being located so close to London.
12.14 The Deputy Vice-Chancellor of University of Sussex stated that the Board also had to focus on providing the right skills and training to retain people in the area.
12.15 The Chair agreed adding that the region benefited from a sense of place and would benefit by a more collective identity in promotion and marketing strategy.
12.16 The Director of Operations, SDNPA stated the attraction of the region was unique and there needed to be a more joined up approach to maximise that benefit.
12.17 RESOLVED- That Greater Brighton Economic Board
(1) Notes the findings of the Business Survey as found in Appendix 1 and in the Greater Brighton Area summary (Appendix 2)
(2) Request three areas that the Officer Programme Board give specific consideration to when developing an action plan to respond to the business survey recommendations
(3) Request that the Officer Programme Board bring an action plan to the next meeting of the Board which responds to the business survey recommendations
Supporting documents:
Item 13. Greater Brighton Business Survey Cover Report GBEB 29 07 14, item 12.
PDF 77 KB View as HTML (12./1) 43 KB
Item 13. Appendix 1 GBWS Business Survey Report FINAL 11 7 14, item 12.
PDF 2 MB View as HTML (12./2) 1 MB
Item 13. Appendix 2. Area Summary - Greater Brighton, item 12.
PDF 89 KB View as HTML (12./3) 62 KB