Agenda item - Greater Brighton Economic Board - Work Plan and Resource Requirements
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Agenda item
Greater Brighton Economic Board - Work Plan and Resource Requirements
- Meeting of Greater Brighton Economic Board, Tuesday, 29th July, 2014 10.00am (Item 14.)
- View the background to item 14.
Report of Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board (copy attached)
14.1 The Board considered a report that outlined the success of the Greater Brighton City Region initiative to date in terms of securing funding through the Greater Brighton City Deal and Coast to Capital Growth Deal process and proposed the future work plan for the Economic Board and Officer Programme Board. Specifically, the report outlined future opportunities for securing further funding to deliver the City Region Investment Programme and projects and proposed the resource requirements to ensure there was capacity to both deliver the 2015/16 funded projects whilst also developing a robust pipeline of projects that can secure further funding from future funding rounds.
14.2 The Head of City Regeneration, Brighton & Hove City Council added that a recruitment process took place for a Business Manager post in June 2014 but following an interview round, it had not been possible to attract the right candidate. It was felt that the possible cause may have been that the post was offered for a one year period so it was proposed to re-advertise the post for a three year period in the hope that it might attract a more suitable candidate. The funding to do so would be met within existing budgets.
14.3 Councillor Wall stated that he believed the Board had missed an opportunity in not including West Sussex as a partner and he would be happy to assist in engaging in discussions to see if this could be taken forward. Councillor Blackman said that he felt the Board would benefit from East Sussex County Council’s involvement.
14.4 The Board agreed to approach West Sussex County Council and East Sussex County Council regarding involvement with the Board in some capacity.
14.5 RESOLVED- That the Greater Brighton Board:
(1) Agree the draft work plan for the Greater Brighton Economic Board
(2) Notes that the Greater Brighton Investment Programme is now moving into a new phase. There is an immediate need to develop final business cases for the 2015/16 funded projects whilst also developing a robust pipeline of projects that can secure further funding from future funding rounds.
(3) Agrees to establishing a virtual Programme Management Office
(4) Request that the Officer Programme Board bring a report for agreement at the next meeting of the Economic Board which outlines the final resources requirements to ensure that there is capacity to deliver projects, provide streamlined programme management, performance monitoring, audit and risk management arrangements
Supporting documents:
- Item 15. Greater Brighton Economic Board - Work Plan and resource implications 290714, item 14. PDF 80 KB View as HTML (14./1) 91 KB
- Item 15. Appendix 1. Greater Brighton Economic Board. Draft Work Plan, item 14. PDF 57 KB View as HTML (14./2) 31 KB