Agenda item - Greater Brighton and Coastal West Sussex Strategic Statement - Commissioning Proposal
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Agenda item
Greater Brighton and Coastal West Sussex Strategic Statement - Commissioning Proposal
- Meeting of Greater Brighton Economic Board, Tuesday, 29th July, 2014 10.00am (Item 11.)
- View the background to item 11.
Report of Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board (copy attached)
11.1 The Board considered a report that sought agreement to commission the development of a Greater Brighton and Coastal West Sussex Strategic Statement and a further three background papers that would be specific to the economic geography of the Greater Brighton region including city region economy, the city region housing market and the city region transport system.
11.2 Councillor Blackman asked if the universities could contribute and help with some of the work of the Board as a means of training and experience.
11.3 The University of Brighton Director of Economic & Social Engagement clarified that it was an issue that could be examined for the long term but he could give no assurances as there were many competing priorities.
11.4 The Chairman of the Adur & Worthing District Business Partnership stated that the Board had to move very quickly to deliver the outlined projects.
11.5 Councillor Parkin stated that he felt the biggest issue in the region was the need for housing and a clear transport strategy and felt the report was a good start on those issues.
11.6 Councillor Theobald noted that he had recently submitted a Notice of Motion in support of the A27 Action Campaign and agreed that the Board should make efforts to link up the work already being conducted by transport bodies.
11.7 The Chair stated that it was important for West Sussex to be involved with the work of the Board in some capacity as a transport authority.
11.8 The Director of the Economy Adur & Worthing District Council stated that he hoped the interim findings could be shared ahead of the timescale for sign off in order for the data and intelligence gathered to be used quickly.
11.9 The Director of the CWS Partnership stated they were engaged on similar work with county councils.
11.10 The Chief Executive of Worthing Borough Council & Adur District Council stated that it was important for the Board to hold that data together as it could eventually drive strategy effectively.
11.11 Councillor Wall stated that whilst Mid Sussex District Council was not a part of the previous Local Strategic Statement, he welcomed the opportunity to look at economic development and growth in the region. Councillor Wall added that he believed it was very important for all partners to be involved, particularly West Sussex County Council in some capacity.
11.12 The Chair recognised the importance of the document and that it should aim for collective value and not upset individual strategies.
11.13 RESOLVED- That the Greater Brighton Economic Board-
1) Agree the proposed scope of the Greater Brighton and Coastal West Sussex Strategic Statement and City Region background documents focusing upon city region economy, housing market, and transport system
2) Agree that the Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board should jointly commission the Strategic Statement as part of a joint commission with the Coast West Sussex & Greater Brighton Strategic Planning Board.
Supporting documents:
Item 12. Greater Brighton & Coastal West Sussex Strategic Statement. Background papers commissioning proposal, item 11.
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