Agenda item - Happiness: Brighton & Hove Mental Wellbeing Strategy
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Agenda item
Happiness: Brighton & Hove Mental Wellbeing Strategy
- Meeting of Health & Wellbeing Board, Tuesday, 29th July, 2014 4.00pm (Item 19.)
- View the background to item 19.
One of the current priorities of the Health and Wellbeing Board is mental wellbeing. A strategy group composed of many different people and groups across the city has been working on a proposal. Dr Becky Jarvis, a local GP and the clinical commissioning group’s lead doctor for mental health, will present a strategy for improving mental wellbeing in Brighton & Hove for the Board to approve (copy of the report attached).
19.1 The Board considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which asked the Board to agree the Happiness: Brighton & Hove Mental Health Wellbeing Strategy and to confirm details of monitoring its progress. The report was presented by Dr Becky Jarvis, Clinical Lead for Mental Health at the CCG.
19.2 Dr Jarvis informed the Board that there had previously been three separate strategies relating to children, adults, and mental health promotion. There was now one strategy which officers had tried to make as concise and readable as possible. It was a living document which would be reviewed after the first year against the action plan.
19.3 There would be 12 Happiness Champions to promote wellbeing across the city. The Champions would attend at least two meetings a year.
Questions and Discussion
19.4 Dr Jonny Coxon commended the document. He considered it was well presented and was providing an important message. The Five Ways of wellbeing were a great resource for GPs. Dr Coxon considered this message should be made available to all GPs.
19.5 George Mack also commended the report. He asked if there was a full action plan. Dr Jarvis replied that there would be an action plan which would also link to other strategies. Much of the work already had an action plan.
19.6 Councillor Jarrett stressed the importance of promoting the message that mental health wellbeing was every body’s business.
19.7 Councillor Shanks stated that the Youth Council would be interested in having a presentation about the strategy and in having a role as champion. Dr Jarvis replied that there were still six champion roles to fill. Other groups could be invited.
19.8 Penny Thompson considered the strategy to be an excellent piece of work. She suggested that the strategy could be taken to the City Management Board, and possibly the Children in Care meeting. Ms Thompson asked Tom Scanlon if the strategy could be shared with Public Health England and other organisations.
19.9 Dr Scanlon replied that he was happy to share the document with Public Health England. Meanwhile, Sussex Police had nominated a champion, Chief Inspector Dave Padwick. The Chair suggested that the Fire and Rescue Service may also wish to nominate a champion.
19.10 Councillor Norman stated that he liked the report but had issues with some of the text colour. He asked for more detail about the financial implications. Dr Jarvis promised to provide this detail to Councillor Norman.
19.11 Dr Coxon asked if the report would be presented to the local media. He felt it was important that everyone should get to hear about its message. The Chair replied that public health reports usually received good coverage in the media.
19.12 Denise D’Souza mentioned that the Sussex Community Trust did not have representation on the City Management Board. She stressed the need to find a way of discussing the strategy with the Trust.
19.13 RESOLVED – (1) That the strategy and its broad and integrated approach be agreed and endorsed as set out at Appendix One of the report.
(2) That the change of focus for the Steering Group be changed to monitor progress and delivery, drive the Champions programme and report back on an annual basis.
Supporting documents:
- Item 19 - happiness strategy cover report HWB, item 19. PDF 72 KB View as HTML (19./1) 73 KB
- Item 19 - 5057_happiness_wellbeing_AW, item 19. PDF 1 MB