Agenda item - Allocations Policies for Permanent and Transit Travellers Sites
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Agenda item
Allocations Policies for Permanent and Transit Travellers Sites
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 7th October, 2014 4.00pm (Item 50.)
- View the background to item 50.
Report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
1) That the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee approve the Traveller’s Transit Site Allocations Policy.
2) That The Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee approve the Traveller’s Permanent Site Allocations Policy.
1) That the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee approve the Traveller’s Transit Site Allocations Policy.
2) That The Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee approve the Traveller’s Permanent Site Allocations Policy.
Supporting documents:
Allocations Policies for Permanent and Transit Travellers Sites_v1, item 50.
PDF 85 KB View as HTML (50./1) 51 KB
Enc. 1 for Allocations Policies for Permanent and Transit Travellers Sites, item 50.
PDF 136 KB
Enc. 2 for Allocations Policies for Permanent and Transit Travellers Sites, item 50.
PDF 172 KB