Agenda item - Members' Update

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Agenda item

Members' Update


JW – Planning Committee discussed the Circus Street project and there were mixed views. The conservation groups are against it. The funding is coming from private investors and the university and possibly the council. There will be a 13 storey tower for 605 students and a 11/12 tower for affordable housing but not social housing. Existing residents are concerned there will be a lack of light when the towers are built.

GB noted it is a very complex issue that has been running for many years.

It was agreed that the Secretary would write a letter expressing OPC concerns about affordable housing to the Leader.


JE – been involved in the Hove Neighbourhood Forum discussions.


HS – finally the cheque has arrived.  Grey Matters Productions is flourishing. HS attended SE England Forum on Ageing there was a practitioner’s alliance for a safeguarding adults meeting.


MB – attended Dementia Awareness in Hove, the Safe in the City Forum and the Centre for Ageing Better Forum.


CV – attended the Sheltered Housing Action Group. There is the housing stock review – do the OPC want to input? There is a transport consultation about easier access to local train services.


GB – has been talking to Latest TV. The OPC could use this to publicise the elections.


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