Agenda item - Internal Audit Progress Report 2014/15
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Agenda item
Internal Audit Progress Report 2014/15
- Meeting of Audit & Standards Committee, Tuesday, 23rd September, 2014 4.00pm (Item 31.)
- View the background to item 31.
Report of the Executive Director Finance & Resources (Copy Attached)
31.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Finance and Resources, which was presented by the Acting Head of Internal Audit. The report updated Members of the progress made against the Internal Audit Plan 2014/15, including outcomes of specific audit reviews completed and tracking of the implementation of recommendations.
31.2 Councillor A Norman referred to paragraph 6.3 of the report and asked about the progress of the VFM project. The Acting Head of Internal Audit said that procurement and legal experts would look at opportunities.
31.3 Councillor Summers referred to paragraph 4.1 and asked for more information about highways and Blue Badges. The Acting Head of Internal Audit said that with regard to Highways, an overpayment had been made and clarification was needed that it had been recovered. However, he said he was not sure of the details regarding Blue Badges but would find out and provide information after the meeting.
31.4 RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the progress made in delivering the Annual Internal Audit Plan 2014/15
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