Agenda item - Corporate Fraud Update and Risks

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Agenda item

Corporate Fraud Update and Risks

Report of the Executive Director Finance & Resources (Copy Attached)


30.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Finance and Resources, which was presented by the Acting Head of Internal Audit. The report provided an update on the proposed role and resourcing of the Corporate Fraud Team following the transfer of staff to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) under the Single Fraud Investigation Service (SFIS) programme.


30.2 Councillor A Norman asked what resources the Council had to address fraud within the Authority. The Acting Head of Internal Audit said that there was a team of four people. Councillor Summers noted that one of that team would be primarily involved in supporting the DWP and asked if that post was funded by the DWP. The Acting Head of Internal Audit said they would but the funding was quite complex and the detail was still being agreed.


30.3    RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the revised service arrangements and revised service priorities.

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