Agenda item - Review of Members' Allowances - 2014

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Agenda item

Review of Members' Allowances - 2014

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 16th October 2014 (copy to follow), together with a report of the Monitoring Officer and the Independent Remuneration Panel (copy attached).


34.1      The Mayor noted that the Chair of the Independent Remuneration Panel, Mr. Childerhouse and a member of the Panel, Mr. Andrews were present in the Chamber and thanked them for attending the meeting.


34.2      Councillor J. Kitcat introduced the report and stated that he wished to add his thanks to the Panel for their report and the work undertaken which had produced a comprehensive review of the Members’ Allowances Scheme.  He welcomed the proposals and noted that the new scheme would come into effect from the date of the new council in May 2015.  He was pleased that there was an overall reduction in costs and welcomed the changes to the Carer’s Allowance and adoption of the Living Wage.  He noted that the report had been agreed by Policy & Resources Committee and hoped that the council would approve the recommendations.


34.3      Councillor Meadows stated that it was a well thought out report and welcomed the recommendations.  However, she also asked if the Scheme could be clarified in regard to the changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme as returning councillors would not be able to access the scheme and would need to make alternative arrangements.


34.4      Councillor Duncan welcomed the report but questioned the need for any increases in the allowances and suggested that they should remain at current levels.


34.5      Councillor Mears noted the report and stated that in view of the council’s committee system, she did not agree with the recommendation to increase the Leader’s Special Responsibility Allowance.  If the council had retained a Cabinet model she could understand the increase but was not convinced it was warranted under a committee system.


34.6      Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the report and the overall reduction in the level of allowances.  He still had reservations about the removal of allowances for Opposition Spokespersons but accepted the Panel’s position and its recommendations.


34.7      Councillor J. Kitcat noted the comments and agreed that it would be helpful to clarify the position in relation to the local government pension within the new Allowances Scheme.  He noted that the Local Government Association was concerned about the changes and was seeking to find an alternative option for Members.


34.8      The Mayor them put the recommendations from the Policy & Resources Committee to the vote.


34.9      RESOLVED:


(1)          That the Council be recommended to adopt the new Members Allowances Scheme for the payment of allowances in 2015/16 with effect from the Annual Council Meeting in May 2015; subject to the implementation of the Basic Allowance from the 11th May 2015 as detailed in the IRP’s report and the Scheme in appendix B;


(2)          That the Chief Executive be authorised to issue the Brighton & Hove Members’ Allowances Scheme in accordance with the regulations following council approval;


(3)          That where there are any changes to any role listed as attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance under the scheme, and the revised role is substantially the same as the previous role in terms of the nature or level of responsibility; the Special Responsibility Allowance shall continue to apply to the new role. This is subject to the Independent Remuneration Panel being consulted and agreeing that it is substantially the same role;


(4)          That the allowance payable to each of the members of the Independent Remuneration Panel be increased by 1% in line with the Public Sector pay award with effect from 21stMay 2015, in recognition of the time commitment and the role of the Panel.

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