Agenda item - Brighton & Hove Dementia Plan 2014-2017
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Agenda item
Brighton & Hove Dementia Plan 2014-2017
- Meeting of Health & Wellbeing Board, Tuesday, 14th October, 2014 4.00pm (Item 37.)
- View the background to item 37.
Report of the Commissioning Manager (copy attached).
37.1 The Board considered a joint report of officers which explained that the Dementia Plan had been produced in response to the recommendations of the JSNA and built on the Dementia Plan 2012-2015. It was overseen by the Dementia Steering Group and had been arrived at through a detailed and broad process of consultation and engagement. The report was presented by the Commissioning Manager, CCG, the Public Health Programme Manager and the Commissioning Manager, Adult Social Care, BHCC (co-authors).
37.2 Key findings from the JSNA were that the city had some pockets of excellent dementia services, but they were not always joined up and there were some gaps. Key recommendations included the need for better/more: Early intervention; joined up services that support patient centred care; carers support; support to local community services & training and education.
37.3 The Commissioning Manager, CCG stated that there had been thorough consultation on the Dementia Plan. The aim was to treat dementia as a long term condition with all services being dementia friendly. The Better Care Fund for 2015/16 agreed by the Health & Wellbeing Board included an allocation of £250,000 for the Dementia Delivery Plan. The Dementia Implementation Group would oversee each project and monitor the on-going delivery of services.
37.4 The Public Health Programme Manager reported that there had been a successful consultation event on the draft plan attended by many people who had not been involved before. The discussion generated was wide ranging and interesting. The meeting would be used as a model for future consultation.
Questions and Discussion
37.5 George Mack stated that he found the Dementia Plan very comprehensive but had concerns. He questioned whether the plan was affordable and achievable and asked if the four priorities would involve too much work.
37.6 The Commissioning Manager, CCG replied that there needed to be transparency about costs. There were risks but a great deal could be achieved with £250,000. A refresher plan would be brought back to the Board following discussions.
37.7 Christa Beesley stated that there had been a modelling exercise on this issue four years ago. Savings could be made by delaying the time that people had to go into care. Dr Beesley stressed that the Dementia Plan was worth implementing but the impact would be seen over a long period of time. The plan was about early intervention.
37.8 Fran McCabe declared that she was on the Board of Age UK. She considered the Dementia Plan to be good and comprehensive. Many issues had been brought together and people with dementia were seen as ‘whole persons’.
37.9 Resolved –
(1) That the Dementia Plan and its broad and integrated approach is endorsed.
(2) That the resources available from the Better Care fund are noted and that the Dementia Implementation Group be authorised to prioritise spending on the Plan.
(3) That the process of monitoring the progress of the Dementia Plan be agreed.
Supporting documents: