Agenda item - City Deal and Growth Deal Implementation Update
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Agenda item
City Deal and Growth Deal Implementation Update
Report of Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board (copy attached)
19.1 The Board considered a report that provided an update on the progress made on setting up and delivering the projects in the Greater Brighton Investment Programme which had already been allocated funding through either the City Deal or Coast to Capital Local Growth Fund. Furthermore, the report also provided an update on the governance arrangements with the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) for the Local Growth Fund funded projects.
19.2 The Chair stated that it was very important for the Board to deliver the projects in order to demonstrate capability to do so should there be a next round of funding.
19.3 Councillor Theobald asked how the project for Brighton City College was progressing.
19.4 Ian Parkes clarified that the project was expected to be completed sometime during the 2015/16 financial year.
19.5 Prof. Davies noted that spend profiles for some projects were incomplete.
19.6 Ian Parkes clarified that the document was a work in progress and was expected to be complete by October or November 2015 and all would be supplemented with better commentary.
19.7 John A. Peel reiterated the importance of delivery of projects but also stressed the importance of thorough preparation as there was an expectation that the detail requirements would be much more narrow in the next funding round.
19.8 RESOLVED- That the Greater Brighton Economic Board:
1) Note the progress made in the delivery of City Deal and Local Growth Fund projects
2) Note the current position in relation to the development of governance and assurance arrangements between the LEP and the Economic Board for Local Growth Fund projects
Supporting documents:
- City Deal and Growth Deal Implementation. GBEB 141014 FINAL051014, item 19. PDF 140 KB View as HTML (19./1) 132 KB
- Appendix 3. Greater Brighton Investment Programme Management Book Project detail 061014, item 19. PDF 184 KB View as HTML (19./2) 82 KB