Agenda item - Discretionary Schemes
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Agenda item
Discretionary Schemes
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: North Area, Monday, 8th December, 2014 7.00pm (Item 27.)
- View the background to item 27.
(copy attached).
27.1 The Panel considered a report that provided the findings of the recent review of the Discretionary Decorating and Gardening Scheme and set out the recommended changes for comment.
27.2 The Chair asked for the reasons behind why the qualifying age had been increased to 75 rather than any other age.
27.3 The Performance & Improvement Officer clarified that this was on the basis of research into other authorities requirements.
27.4 The Chair asked if Age UK had been consulted about the proposals.
27.5 The Performance & Improvement Officer answered that whilst Age UK had not been consulted, those that had been included tenants who had recently used the scheme and members of the Home Group. The basis of the proposals was to allocate limited funds to those most in need.
27.6 The Chair asked why there had been a reduction in the budget available for the scheme.
27.7 The Head of Income, Inclusion & Improvement clarified that the reduction was on the basis of a similar reduction in those who would be eligible for the scheme if the age limit was increased but primarily due to budget pressures as part of a wider consideration of all budgets. She added that the scheme would also be more cost-effective if the proposals were agreed.
27.8 The Chair asked why the materials would be purchased from Brewers rather than Mears.
27.9 The Performance & Improvement Officer clarified that a better saving could be achieved through purchasing from Brewers.
27.10 Bob Spacie noted that the labour cost of undertaking the work were quite high at £656.
27.11 The Head of Income, Inclusion & Improvement clarified that this was the price set within the original contract that had already been tendered and agreed.
27.12 Tracey Cox stated that the dust sheet that would be provided with the pack was not of sufficient quality.
27.13 The Performance & Improvement Officer stated that the pack at the meeting was just an example and the materials could be reviewed.
27.14 The Panel put the proposals to raise the qualifying age for the scheme to 75 to a vote and were unanimously against.
27.15 RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Supporting documents:
- 28- Area Panel briefing paper and report - Discretionary Schemes, item 27. PDF 115 KB View as HTML (27./1) 118 KB